WasteX specification v1.10c
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
Stubenbastei 5, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Digitalization context and status
Purpose of the WasteX specification
Scope of the WasteX specification
Web service environments and endpoints
Technologies and standards stack
Payload: User messages and signal messages
Files and folders of the specification package
Technical and organizational details
Unidirectional versus bidirectional usage
XSD validity of operation inputs and outputs
Identification, Authentication and Authorization
Updates, corrections and cancellations
Sender and receiver side responsibilities
Signal message sender/receiver indication
Recommended reactions to certain EDI behaviour
Specifics of the Austrian web service
Static and dynamic usage of codelists
Codelists which the specification uses statically
Codelists which the specification uses dynamically
Web service operations (from wastex_webservice.wsdl)
Inputs and Outputs of the web service operations (from wastex_webservice_types.xsd)
Message formats (from wastex_message.xsd)
Formal validation rules (from wastex_formalvalidationrules.sch)
Interoperability and cost efficiency
Subjects and characteristics of formal validation
Interpretation of formal validation results
Handling of formal validation protocols
Introduction to the formal validation rules description
List of formal validation rules
Specification history of changes
Detailed changes (diff) compared to version 1.08
WasteX v1.10c - simple EDI for waste shipments (candidate for v1.10) Copyright (C) 2023 Environment Agency Austria Commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Environment (BMK) Contact: edm-helpdesk@umweltbundesamt.at Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or – as soon they will be approved by the European Commission – subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/software/page/eupl Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, work distributed under the licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the Licence.
This specification uses the terms and acronyms defined in Definitions and References, and bases on the technical standards and legal regulations listed therein.
Transboundary movements of waste, also called shipments of waste, carry the risk of adverse effects to human health and the environment.
The Basel Convention [BC] is an international treaty aimed at protecting human health and the environment against such adverse effects by strict control. The EU Waste Shipment Regulation [WSR] has the same goal and contains additional control provisions defined for the EU on top of the [BC] provisions.
Among the core provisions of [BC] and [WSR] are the following business-to-administration (B2A) business processes with information interchanges between economic operators (EOs) and competent authorities (CAs):
BP_AMBER_CONSENT - Notification and consent business process
Main steps:
BP_AMBER_INFO - Information business process for each individual amber shipment ("movement document" process)
Main steps:
BP_GREEN_INFO - Information business process for each individual green shipment ("consignment information" process)
Main steps:
Austria has a single designated CA for shipments of waste, the Ministry of Environment (BMK), department V/1. Since 2006, the Austrian CA uses e-Goverment solution edm.gv.at [EDM] to manage waste shipment data and processes. [EDM] is an interconnected system of IT applications and databases by the Austrian public administration to support environment-related business processes.
EOs can exchange structured electronic waste shipment information with the Austrian CA via the [EDM] web application, and/or via [EDM] web services.
Since the end of 2017, [EDM] has an electronic data interchange (EDI) interconnection with [VeVA-Online], the e-Government solution used by the waste shipment CAs of Switzerland.
Since 2006, the Austrian CA handles all waste shipment data as structured electronic data in the [EDM]. Where needed, the CA types in data that it receives by e-mail, fax, or mail. EOs can use structured electronic data exchange with the Austrian CA instead of e-mail, fax or mail, such as via [EDM] web application online forms. The Austrian CA deals with around 1.000 notifications and around 50.000 individual waste shipments per year, with a total of around 4.000 EOs (notifiers, carriers, consignees, waste treatment parties, ...).
With the 2021 Circular Economy amendment to the Austrian Federal Act on sustainable waste management [AWG 2021], in 2022 Austrian EOs became obliged to exchange waste shipment information as structured electronic data with the Austrian CA. I.e., structured electronic data provision is no longer optional for Austrian CAs, and the Austrian CA no longer accepts e-mail, fax or mail for certain data exchanges with Austrian EOs.
As a result, there is an increased demand by Austrian EOs for B2A EDI with the Austrian CA. The Austrian CA meets this demand by operating the [EDM] WasteX web service. Austrian EOs can use the [EDM] WasteX web service as an alternative to using the [EDM] web application online forms.
The 2020 [Basel Electronic Approaches Report] provides a good global overview of the digitalization status with respect to the BP_AMBER_CONSENT, BP_AMBER_INFO and BP_GREEN_INFO business processes.
To summarize, there are multiple initiatives, including the data interchange between Swiss and Austrian CAs, [VeVA-Online] and [EDM], but as of 2022/2023 none has gained wider adoption.
The European Commission Directorate-General for the Environment (EC DG ENV) has a year-long history of supporting and leading waste shipment digitalization efforts. One major outcome of these efforts are Correspondents’ Guidelines No 11 [CG11], which is the specification of a data model for the electronic data interchange under the [WSR] published in 2019.
In November 2021, EC DG ENV published the proposal for a new Waste Shipment Regulation [WSR EC proposal Nov 2021]. According to this proposal, electronic processes and structured electronic data become mandatory for all CAs and EOs in the EU. As of 2023, there are expectations that a new EU Waste Shipment Regulation will enter into force in the coming years.
Since 2021, EC DG ENV has started adding waste shipment functionality to the EC operated Integrated Management System for Official Controls [IMSOC]. As of 2023, this functionality is limited to administration-to-administration (A2A) processes and unstructured data such as PDF files. However, EC DG ENV plans extending this functionality to B2A processes and structured data, making IMSOC a central hub for waste shipment data interchange in the EU. In December 2022, EC DG ENV with their consultants Trasys International held an experts meeting detailing the plans for digitalization and the new WSR.
The EU Electronic Freight Transport Information Regulation [eFTI] entered into force in 2020, and foresees full application by 2025. Based on that Regulation, EOs have the right to present regulatory freight transport information electronically upon inspections, rather than on paper, and CAs have an obligation to accept regulatory freight transport information electronically. Article 2 of the [eFTI] Regulation lists the regulatory freight transport information requirements to which the [eFTI] Regulation applies. This list includes [WSR] BP_AMBER_INFO movement document and BP_GREEN_INFO consignment information inspections.
In 2020, the European Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (EC DG MOVE) started an expert group that analyses the requirements and drafts technical specifications in preparation of the [eFTI] implementing acts. Among the outputs is an analysis of [eFTI] [WSR] integration options, to which EC DG ENV and BMK contributed.
The purpose of this specification is twofold:
Business process | WasteX specification coverage |
Coverage types:
WasteX extensibility features:
BMK will decide on covering additional business processes in WasteX based on demand. As of 2023, BMK is aware of multiple software developers' demand for accessing notification and consent data via the web service (part of BP_AMBER_CONSENT).
The main purpose of WasteX EDI is EOs making waste shipment data available to CAs using EDI.
The flow of data is however not unidirectional. CAs provide EOs access to "their" data. In particular, EOs can access movement document data if they have a suitable role in the waste shipment, such as notifier, carrier, consignee or waste treatment party. The WasteX web service provides such access.
In the [EDM], identical conditions/rules/principles for EOs' access to movement document data are in place both in the [EDM] WasteX web service and the [EDM] web application.
The main intended audience of this specification is IT personnel, such as IT business analysts, developers and testers working for software/solution/service providers that implement an EDI connection to the [EDM] WasteX web service interface, or consider doing so.
In addition, this description targets waste management domain experts, and decision makers at software/solution/service providers in the field of waste management.
For any enquiries about this specification and the [EDM] WasteX web service get in touch with edm-helpdesk@umweltbundesamt.at.
The [EDM] WasteX web service is a [SOAP] web service with [XML] web service operation inputs and outputs.
The WasteX specification formally defines the web service operations with their inputs and outputs via [WSDL] and [XSD].
To external developers, there are two environments and endpoints of the [EDM] WasteX web service:
The Environment Agency as operator of the [EDM] WasteX web service offers the pre-production environment to external partners - developers/operators of IT solutions - for testing web service interactions. The pre-production environment resembles the production environment, and features database contents similar to those of the production environment. Note that access to the pre-production environment and access to the production environment are different from each other - credentials and access information for one environment do not work with the other environment.
The web service and its specification apply the following standards:
The web service expects certain authentication [HTTP] header content in [Base64] encoding
The web service supports hash based message authentication codes [HMAC] as one of two options for the web service client to provide evidence about its identity (about being a "known" previously register web service client). The other option is [HTTP Basic Auth]
All interactions betweens web service client and web service follow the [HTTP]/1.1 protocol. For example, a web service client invokes a web service operation with an [HTTP] request using the [HTTP] POST method, and providing certain authentication information as [HTTP] headers
The web service supports HTTP Basic Authentication as one of two options for the web service client to provide evidence about its identity (about being a "known" previously register web service client). The other option is [HMAC]
[Schematron] 2016
The web service applies formal validation to messages it receives in the input of web service operations, and reports the validation results back to the web service client. This specification uses [Schematron] as the formal language for expressing the formal validation rules
[SOAP] 1.2
The web service follows the [SOAP] protocol, such as by using [SOAP] envelope [XML] structures for all web service inputs and outputs
[TLS] 1.2+
The web service requires [TLS] 1.2 or higher for all client server communication. This ensures confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. Note that the communication between secure web sites (https) and browsers uses the same [TLS] encrpytion protocol
The web service expects all operation inputs in [UTF-8] character encoding, and delivers all operation outputs and fault information in [UTF-8] character encoding
Web service clients must generate Universally Unique Identifiers [UUID]s and transmit them in the operation input, such as for each "transaction" (web service operation invocation)
[XML] 1.0
Syntax of web service inputs and outputs, including messages and payload
[XPath] 2.0
[XPath] expressions occur in [Schematron] instances (formal validation rule source) as well as in [XSLT] instances derived thereof. They provide the means of identifying and referencing specific parts and locations within [XML] instances
[XQuery] 2.0
[XQuery] expressions occur in [Schematron] instances (formal validation rule source) as well as in [XSLT] instances derived thereof. They provide the means of accessing [XML] instance contents, such as for reading and comparing
[XSD] 1.0
This specification uses [XSD] for the formal definition of the [XML] structures and value domains of web service inputs and outputs, including messages and payload. Note that every WasteX web service operation quits an invocation with a [SOAP] fault if according to [XSD] validation the operation input does not comply with the structures and value domains defined by the respective [XSD] instance of this specification
[XSLT] 2.0
[Schematron] uses [XSLT]: A WasteX web service generates the formal validation results (validation protocol)
for messages it receives by applying an [XSLT] transformation using an [XSLT] processor such as [RaptorXML] or [Saxon]. This specification package contains the [XSLT] transformation instance wastex_formalvalidationrules.xsl
, which the web service uses for conducting the formal validation. The [XSLT] transformation instance wastex_formalvalidationrules.xsl
is the result of an automated transformation of the [Schematron] formal validation rules source wastex_formalvalidationrules.sch
, generated using [SchXslt]
[WSDL] 2.0
This specification uses [WSDL] for the formal definition of the web service operations with their inputs and outputs. The [WSDL] definition uses [XSD] instances for defining structure and value domains of the inputs and outputs. There are software tools on the market which use [WSDL] instances for automating parts of web service and web service client development and testing
This specification distinguishes two types of payload (transmitted content):
A user message contains waste shipment related data such as MA, CaC, CoWR or CoWT (see waste shipment business processes).
Each user message contains a single MA, or a single CoWR, etc.
A signal message has a supporting role in EDI, and carries information on the following:
Contains exactly one sample message for each of the types of messages defined in the specification package.
The sample messages follow these criteria:
Contains exactly one sample input and sample output for each operation of the packaging 3.0 web service. Also contains an example [SOAP] fault.
Folders whose names begin with "z_" are auxiliary folders. The specification [HTML] description contains links to the files contained in these auxiliary folders, and embeddings of such files. For understanding and using this specification, there is neither a need for accessing the contents of these auxiliary folders individually, nor is there any benefit of doing so.
The folder z_descr_img contains the image files used in this [HTML] description.
z_val_a_xml_example_msg_base/; z_val_b_xml_example_msg_ruletest/; z_val_c_results/
The files in these folders relate to the formal validation rules. The specification package contains a specification of formal validation rules in Schematron file wastex_formalvalidationrules.sch. Section Formal validation rules (from wastex_formalvalidationrules.sch) describes the formal validation rules via example rule violations and contains links to the contents of these folders.
The folder z_val_a_xml_example_msg_base/ contains sample input for the formal validations. These are the sample messages from the folder xml_example_msg/, enriched with so-called ValidationContext. Software receiving a message reads data related to the message at its receiving end of the transmission, e.g. company master data, reference data, or data from previously transmitted messages. The software passes this data as ValidationContext to the formal validation. For the files contained in the folder z_val_a_xml_example_msg_base/, both message contents and ValidationContext contain fictitious data. The folder z_val_a_xml_example_msg_base/ contains sample input that satisfies all formal validation rules and thus does not trigger any validation report entries.
The folder z_val_a_xml_example_msg_ruletest/ also contains sample input for the formal validation rules. The specification authors have designed these sample files as modifications of the sample files from z_val_a_xml_example_msg_base/ to specifically trigger or not trigger certain formal validation rules.
The folder z_val_c_results/ contains the results of applying the formal validation rules defined in the Schematron file wastex_formalvalidationrules.sch to the [XML] sample files from the two folders z_val_a_xml_example_msg_base/ and z_val_a_xml_example_msg_ruletest/. The results are available in the Schematron Validation Report Language (SVRL) [XML] data format, as well as in a [HTML] representation. In section Formal validation rules (from wastex_formalvalidationrules.sch), this description provides an overview of the formal validation rules specified in Schematron file wastex_formalvalidationrules.sch by means of a compilation of validation results from z_val_c_results/.
Defines the Schematron Validation Report Language (SVRL) data format for formal validation reports in the formal language [XSD].
wastex_message.xsd uses svrl.xsd, so it depends on svrl.xsd. When copying wastex_message.xsd, it is therefore necessary in most cases to also copy the file svrl.xsd into the target directory.
The main specification document. It provides all instructions and guidance on correctly implementing, testing and operating WasteX waste shipment EDI connections.
The contents include detailed descriptions of web service operations with their inputs and outputs, of message formats and of formal validation rules, as well as descriptions of all files and folders contained in the specification package, such as [XSD] and [WSDL] files.
"Source code" of the formal validations rules defined for the WasteX EDI protocol in the formal language [Schematron].
The specification authors use [SchXslt] to create the wastex_formalvalidationrules.xsl file from this source text.
By providing this source code, the formal validation rules that the WasteX web service applies to business-to-authority-transmissions are open and transparent, such as for review as well as correction and improvement suggestions.
XSLT instance with which a WasteX web service applies formal validation to received messages.
The specification authors have generated wastex_formalvalidationrules.xsl automatically from the "Schematron source code" wastex_formalvalidationrules.sch via [SchXslt].
The WasteX web service applies the Schematron based formal validation to received messages only if the web service interaction meets certain preconditions, such as successful authentication and the web service operation input's compliance with the [XML] formats (XML Schema Definitions) defined in this specification - see wastex_message.xsd and wastex_webservice_types.xsd.
Defines, via formal language [XSD], the [XML] message formats used in the WasteX EDI protocol. When receiving messages, a WasteX web service checks these messages - as part of the validation of operation inputs - for validity with respect to the message format defined by wastex_message.xsd. Such validity is a technical prerequisite for a WasteX web service to be able to process transmitted messages.
Conversely, software connected to a WasteX web service can rely on the validity of messages delivered by the web service in operation outputs with respect to the XML message formats defined via wastex_message.xsd, and can conduct XML Schema validation for ascertaining this validity.
Defines, via formal language [XSD], the [XML] formats for inputs and outputs of WasteX web service operations. Has a direct dependency on wastex_message.xsd, and thus also an indirect dependency on svrl.xsd.
The validity of operation inputs with respect to the XML formats defined in wastex_webservice_types.xsd is a technical prerequisite for a WasteX web service to successfully process a web service interaction.
Conversely, software connected to a WasteX web service can rely on the validity of web service operation outputs with respect to the XML formats defined in wastex_webservice_types.xsd, and can conduct XML Schema validation for ascertaining this validity.
Describes the operations of a WasteX web service and its inputs and outputs in the formal language [WSDL]. Uses wastex_webservice_types.xsd directly, and thus wastex_message.xsd and svrl.xsd indirectly.
Software developers may for example use the WSDL instance with [SOAP] tools such as SoapUI to automatically generate web service interactions for all WasteX web service operations.
To repeat from the Scope of the WasteX specification section:
Using the second part is optional for EOs and web service clients. This means that web service clients can use WasteX web services in one of the following two ways:
There are two types of use cases for EOs to access (new) data from the CA via a WasteX web service:
The first use case may also apply in future extension of the WasteX web service when the CA makes notification and consent information accessible via the WS.
Apparently, if at least one of the two above mentioned uses cases of accessing (new) data from the CA via a WasteX web service is of relevance to EO users of a software solution, the software developer/provider shall implement a bidirectional connection to the WasteX web service.
The web service features a polling operation named QueryUpdate.
Polling serves two purposes:
Undirectional connections only "listen" to asynchronous responses and ignore data synchronization updates.
Clients shall implement continuous uninterrupted polling, such as invoking the QueryUpdate operation every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Even in unidirectional connections, when at a specific point in time the WS client does not expect additional signal messages, the WS client shall not interrupt polling, as this could negatively impact EDI performance due to "uneven" and "cluttered" dissemination of user messages. Note that the web service does not distinguish between unidirectional and bidrectional connections - it is the WS client that ignores received user messages in an undirectional connection.
WS clients shall poll (invoke the QueryUpdate operation) between every 2 minutes and every 30 minutes. Every 2 minutes is the minimum polling interval. The web service may reject a QueryUpdate invocation if less than 2 minutes have passed since the client's previous QueryUpdate invocation.
The querying of updates from a WasteX web service involves the management of state: “State” refers to distinguishing between the following:
The following applies to the state management:
WS clients and the WasteX WS must use transport layer security (encryption) by applying/supporting [TLS] 1.2, and optionally applying/supporting higher versions of [TLS], such as 1.3.
The WS client must use [UTF‑8] character encoding for all input to WasteX WS operations, i.e., for [HTTP] POST request bodies and headers.
The WasteX WS must deliver all operation outputs in [UTF‑8] character encoding.
Note the following characteristics of character encodings:
Examples for these characteristics:
, provided here in hexadecimal representationc3847261
is the [UTF‑8] character encoding of character string »Ära«. A slight modification of this byte
sequence, resulting from changing a single bit, c3c47261
, is however not a valid [UTF‑8] encoding. Trying to [UTF‑8] decode c3c47261
results in the »invalid continuation byte« errorc40072006100
. Trying to [UTF‑8] decode c40072006100
yields an »invalid continuation byte« error52c4ae
. 52c4ae
is is also a valid [UTF‑8] encoding. However, applying [UTF‑8] decoding on 52c4ae
yields character string »RĮ«, which is different from the orginally encoded character
string »RÄ®«Note that the effect of the first characteristic is that using a wrong character encoding can go completely undetected in EDI as long as exchanged data only contains characters such as a-z, A-Z, comma and colon, but does not contain more special characters such as ä, ö, ü, Ä, Ö, Ü or ß.
Due to these characteristics of character encodings, using a wrong character encoding in WasteX EDI, i.e., using a character encoding other than [UTF-8], can have the following effects:
Note that the WasteX WS reacts with a [SOAP] Fault (exception) if the [UTF‑8] decoding of the operation input fails (first case in the list above).
The character encoding characteristics described in the previous section lead to the following character encoding related testing recommendations:
The WasteX WS automatically rejects any operation invocation with an operation input
that is invalid with respect to wastex_webservice_types.xsd
. It does so with a [SOAP] Fault (exception).
Vice versa, every WasteX WS operation output must be valid with respect to wastex_webservice_types.xsd
. WS clients can automatically reject any operation output that does not comply with
this provision.
The WasteX specification defines upper size limits for each of the data elements contained in messages and in operation inputs and outputs.
For example, the specification defines a maximum number of characters for each character string element, and a maximum number of decimal digits for each decimal number.
Note that the WasteX specification encodes these upper size limits in the [XSD]s , wastex_message.xsd and wastex_webservice_types.xsd. This means that a WasteX WS reacts with an [XSD] validation error [SOAP] Fault (exception) if the operation input contains one or more data elements that exceed the size limits.
The upper size limits are important for interoperability across EDI nodes. Developers of software solutions that participate in WasteX EDI shall adhere to these size limits as much as possible, such as at database level. This ensures interoperability by preventing both of the following:
For some data elements, the WasteX specification defines value range restrictions other than upper size limits. For example, most waste mass values must be greater than 0.
Note that the WasteX specification encodes such value range restrictions in the [Schematron] formal validation rules, rather than in [XSD]s. Violation of these other value range restrictions thus leads to validation protocol entries, but does not lead to [SOAP] Faults (exceptions).
As a result, there are the following options for developers of software solutions that participate in WasteX EDI:
Data from different sources shall be well-suited for comparisons and aggregation. Numeric data shall have identical or similar accuracy and precision.
Even though the [WSR] does not define minimum accuracy and precision for data such as waste mass values, CAs typically expect certain minimum accuracy and precision for measured values.
Any value in WasteX messages/transmissions, which by the WasteX specification definition is the result of a measurement, or which the EO reports as the result of a measurement, shall contain only digits that are known exactly plus a final digit for which the associated uncertainty is at most ± 1.
. This means that the maximum acceptable uncertainty is ± 0.000001 seconds. Rounding
to 0.00001 seconds, and creating/transmitting timestamp literals which always end in a 6th fraction of a second digit of 0, as in 2023-06-15T10:34:02.523090Z
, would thus be insufficient!Main principles:
Some characteristics of these identification, authentication and authorization measures:
For the sake of compactness, the WasteX specification does not describe the service side EO client authorization measures and functionalities in all detail. In case of security concerns, please refer to the [EDM] helpdesk to learn more details. See Contact.
As described in the overview, the WasteX WS keeps a "global list of updates", and decides based on data contents and EO client authorization which client "gets to see" which updates from that list:
The EOs in notification and consents are typically very stable in the sense that they do not change over time. However, EOs can change without requiring a new notification. For example, authorities can agree to consent an additional carrier for an existing notification with existing consents. A situation like this may require a special type of handling in the data exchange and synchronization. An illustrative example:
In this scenario, the following applies:
In order for WasteIT to catch up with the earlier updates, it will need to re-synchronize updates, using an appropriate InitSync call with a start date several weeks in the past followed by a series of QueryUpdate calls. IT developers may make such re-sync functionality available to users with specific administrative roles.
Upon implementing and testing a connection to a WasteX WS, the WS client developer must register the client with the WasteX WS operator and use the credentials (Client-ID, Client-Secret) from client registration in each WS interaction.
For the [EDM] WasteX web service, client developers/operators must refer to the [EDM] helpdesk for client registration. See Contact.
Note that the production and pre-production environments of the WasteX WS require different credentials.
The WS client must use the credentials from registration in one of the following two ways in each interaction with the WS:
[HMAC] is the technically more secure variant.
Note that [EDM] makes the WS client's [HMAC]/[HTTP Basic Auth] authentication capabilities transparent to EOs, such as in the WS client activation GUI.
With the [HMAC] authentication method, the WS client uses the credentials from registration, Client-ID and Client-Secret, as follows:
The WS client transmits an [HTTP] Authorization Header with each web service interaction.
Note that the following is the generic pattern for [HTTP] Authorization Headers:
Authorization: <auth-scheme> <authorization-parameters>
The WS client uses a custom Authorization scheme with »EDM1
« auth-scheme value and the following pattern:
Authorization: EDM1 clientID="<client-id>", clientHMAC="<hmac>"
The WS client uses the Client-ID character string from client registration as client-id value
The WS client calculates the hmac value as follows:
character stringstringToSign
and Client-SecretFor the ShareMessage operation with user messages:
stringToSign = transactionUUID + "\n" +
messageUUID + "\n" +
For the ShareMessage operation with signal messages:
stringToSign = transactionUUID + "\n" + "\n"
For the InitSync operation:
stringToSign = startFromUTCTimestamp
For the QueryUpdate operation:
stringToSign = updateRangeStartUUID
The above definitions refer to the following operation input values:
Content of ShareMessageRequest/TransactionUUID
Content of ShareMessageRequest/UserMessage/ WasteMovementUserMessage/MessageUUID
Content of ShareMessageRequest/UserMessage/ WasteMovementUserMessage/MessageCreationPartyID
Content of InitSyncRequest/StartFromUTCTimestamp without time-zone indication
Example: If the content of StartFromUTCTimestamp is 2021-04-19T14:35:43.699370Z
, then startFromUTCTimestamp
is 2021-04-19T14:35:43.699370
Content of QueryUpdateRequest/UpdateRangeStartUUID
The following applies to using operation input for string composition:
The WS client must use/insert the character strings exactly as they appear in the [XML] input to the operation. For instance, for [UUID] values the client must use the canonical representation from the [XML] input
The WS client must use the [XML] element content only, and ignore any [XML] attributes. In particular, the web service client must ignore the registerID attribute for MessageCreationPartyID content
The WS client calculates the [HMAC-SHA-256] value (byte sequence) from the following two inputs:
data: byte sequence resulting from applying [UTF‑8] encoding to the stringToSign
character sequence
The WS client applies [Base64] encoding to the byte sequence resulting from calculating the [HMAC-SHA-256] value. The WS client uses the following variant of [Base64] encoding:
The client credentials for this example: Client-ID: WASTE_IT.CLOUD
Client-Secret: 6H!uU3w*hSyuzj
The ShareMessage operation input for this example (excerpt):
For the ShareMessage operation with this input the stringToSign
stringToSign = transactionUUID + "\n" +
messageUUID + "\n" +
In this example:
"825afc6d-2d22-4f78-a0bf-fef1dd45d5eb" + "\n" +
"2ddea4a4-2ede-4734-967d-5d9ae904a02e" + "\n" +
Applying [HMAC-SHA-256] to the [UTF‑8] encodings of stringToSign
(data) and Client-Secret »6H!uU3w*hSyuzj
« (key) results in the following byte sequence, represented here in hexadecimal notation:
Applying [Base64] encoding to this value yields:
Thus, the WS client invokes the ShareMessage operation for the above-mentioned input with the following [HTTP] Header:
Authorization: EDM1 clientID="WASTE_IT.CLOUD", clientHMAC="+uon+N9ZvS/hz5cfm30NMNAXQ46xEjnl73OCHOWvdU0="
With the [HTTP Basic Auth] authentication option, the web service client uses the credentials from registration, Client-ID and Client-Secret, as follows:
The WS client transmits an [HTTP] Authorization Header with each web service interaction.
Note that the following is the generic pattern for [HTTP] Authorization Headers:
Authorization: <auth-scheme> <authorization-parameters>
The WS client uses the »Basic
« auth-scheme.
Authorization: Basic <credentials>
The WS client constructs the credentials
value in the following way.
« (colon, 0x3A)The client credentials for this example, chosen identical to the [HMAC] authentication example for illustration purposes: Client-ID: WASTE_IT.CLOUD
Client-Secret: 6H!uU3w*hSyuzj
Concatenation of Client-ID, colon and Client-Secret yields the following character string:
Applying [UTF‑8] encoding to the concatenated character sequence results in the following byte sequence, represented here in hexadecimal notation:
Applying [Base64] encoding to the byte sequence yields the following character string:
As a result, in this example the WS client uses the following [HTTP] header in each of its interactions with the web service:
Authorization: Basic V0FTVEVfSVQuQ0xPVUQ6NkghdVUzdypoU3l1emo=
Some of the payload contains the identification of parties .
Example: The MovementAnnouncement – prior information regarding the actual start of a shipment, pursuant to Art. 16(b) [WSR] – contains, pursuant to the [WSR], information on the following parties:
The following applies to all WasteX BP_AMBER_INFO messages, such as MA, CoWR and CoWT:
A party’s complete identification consists of two parts
Party identifier
for an EO's value added tax (VAT) identification numberExample:
In this example, the party identifier is 9110016663449
and the register identifier is GLN.AT
(for Austrian public administration Global Location Number, GLN).
The WasteX specification distinguishes two types of party identification:
The following applies:
Important aspects with respect to party identification:
Practical impact on WasteX BP_AMBER_INFO EDI:
Main characteristics of the WasteX party identification scheme:
Main principles of the WasteX party identification scheme:
Two codelists define the WasteX party identification scheme:
Codelist 1387 contains the following mappings:
This means that for EOs with the registered office located in France or Germany the WasteX relevant type of party identifier is the VAT ID, whereas for EOs that have their registered office in Austria it is the so-called public administration GLN.
Note that the WasteX specification uses ↗codelist 1387 and ↗codelist 2237 dynamically. This ensures the extensibility of the WasteX party identification scheme.
An EDI node can update/correct contents of a previously transmitted user message by re-transmitting that user message with updated/corrected contents.
The WasteX web service, and any WasteX EDI node receiving a WasteX user message, treats a received transmission as an update if its database already contains data for the respective IDs and types of contents (message types), in particular, in BP_AMBER_INFO, for the respective combination of notification number and waste shipment serial number (sequential number).
The following applies to updates and corrections:
It can happen that EOs plan a waste shipment (start date, route, etc.), announce it to CAs, but eventually realize that they cannot conduct the waste shipment. In such cases, the notifier must inform CAs about the cancellation of an announced waste shipment. The notifier can do so via WasteX EDI, by transmitting a MovementAnnouncementStatus message. Note that new transmissions of MovementAnnouncement messages can update movement announcement contents, such as the mass of waste to be shipped, but cannot cancel the announcement.
The WasteX EDI protocol does not support the reuse of combinations of notification number and serial number (sequential number) of cancelled announcements for new announcements.
The WasteX EDI protocol technically supports the postponing of announced movements by transmitting a new (later) shipment start date for the combination of notification number and serial number of an already announced shipment.
Note though that CAs apply a variety of policies with regard to postponing announced movements. For instance, some CAs may not accept postponing at all (and rather expect cancellations, potentially followed by new announcements), and some CAs may accept postponing only under certain conditions and/or to a certain extent.
According to the [WSR], the notifier must announce shipments of waste at least 3 working days before the shipment starts.
There are scenarios in which it is difficult to correctly "predict" the individual shipments of waste 3 working days in advance.
Example scenario: Trucks commute between an excavation site and a backfilling site in a neighbouring country, with hundreds of waste shipment per day. Apparently, it is nearly impossible in such a scenario for an EO to correctly predict the exact number of individual shipments 3 working days in advance.
There are two main approaches to handling such limited predictability:
The following applies to handling limited predactability in WasteX EDI:
The WasteX specification authors strongly recommend using the just in time actual announcement approach to the greatest possible extent, and using the early pre-emptive announcement / allocation approach to the smallest possible extent. Advantages of the just in time actual announcement approach:
This specification distinguishes the following transmission triggers:
This refers to an EDI node automatically triggering a message transmission as soon as new or updated data of sufficient maturity/finality becomes available at that EDI node, such as resulting from a user entering or editing data in a GUI.
This does not refer to a scenario in which a user explicitly triggers the EDI transmission of data, such as by pressing a “send” button.
This refers to an EDI node automatically triggering a message transmission as soon as the EDI node detects reaching or exceeding a certain point in time.
This refers to a software user explicitly triggering the transmission of a message by conducting a user interaction, such as pushing a “send” button.
This does not refer to a scenario in which a user interaction, such as the entering (completion/saving) of data, implicitly triggers an EDI transmission.
EDI nodes shall support TRG_MANUAL for all types of user messages as a means for (certain) users to handle transmission issues.
For announcements, in particular MAs, EDI nodes can support TRG_AUTO_DATA, TRG_AUTO_TIMER or both (in addition to TRG_MANUAL, as explained above). When supporting TRG_AUTO_DATA and TRG_AUTO_TIMER, EDI nodes may leave it to users to select the type of trigger, such as through a per-notification/consent configuration.
TRG_AUTO_TIMER for announcements refers to an automatic triggering of transmissions when reaching a certain point in time, in particular when getting close to the transmission deadline. EDI nodes will typically need to support users with data completion in time, such as through reminders. With regard to TRG_AUTO_TIMER it is important to conduct transmissions sufficiently in advance, so that in the case of unsuccessful/rejected transmissions the sender has sufficient time for correction and re-transmission prior to passing the deadline.
For reports, such as CoWR and CoWT, EDI nodes shall support TRG_AUTO_DATA but not TRG_AUTO_TIMER, as there is no point in delaying the transmission when the complete set of data is already available.
A client to a WasteX WS may have multiple messages waiting for transmission. This specification calls an EDI node’s operation on a queue/backlog of messages waiting for transmission bulk transmission . I.e., the term refers to the (intended) transmission of a potentially larger number of messages within a short period of time, such as a few minutes or hours.
The WasteX specification defines means for real time data interchange and for the transmission of individual messages, i.e., the exchange of data when it is “finalized” and ready for transmission, independent of when that is (which day of the week, in the morning, in the night, etc.). This means that the specification does not focus on bulk transmissions. Instead, the specification authors recommend keeping bulk transmissions to a minimum, and only using bulk transmissions when necessary.
The following two are scenarios in which in which bulk transmissions can become necessary in WasteX data interchange:
For the implementation of bulk transmissions, it is important to take into account the “number of transactions per unit of time” limits described under supported load. Depending on the number of messages to transmit, it may become necessary to spread the transmissions out to multiple hours of the day (transmission of n messages per hour, for each hour until all messages waiting for transmission have been sent), or even to multiple days.
For keeping bulk transmissions to a minimum, timed transmissions shall trigger at least once per day.
The following applies to responsibilities in relation to failed (auto-rejected) WasteX EDI transmissions:
Signal messages that signal rejection contain the ReceiverFailureIndicator indication. WS clients SHALL display this information to users as part of the signal content.
The meaning of the indicator is as follows:
means that resolving the (transmission) rejection is certain to require receiver side involvement, i.e., that it is certain the sender side cannot resolve the issue on its ownfalse
means the following:
The purpose of the indicator, and the expected sender side reactions:
A ReceiverFailureIndicator indication set to true
means the following for sender side users:
A ReceiverFailureIndicator indication set to false
means the following for sender side users:
For transmissions that fail due to an operational issue or downtime at the receiver side, the sending EDI shall keep track of such failed submissions (queue), and shall attempt automatic re-transmission at intervals such as the following:
When transmissions still fails after 60 minutes, EDI nodes shall use temporary fallback communication channels, in particular the sending of unstructured email, if the recipient supports this. In parallel, the EDI node shall keep re-trying WasteX EDI transmissions as indicated above.
EDI nodes shall provide the following functionality to (certain) users:
Timeout / No response / network errors
This can occur under regular circumstances, such as during a scheduled downtime (deploy of a new version of a WasteX web service)
Sender side software reaction:
Sender side user reaction:
Typically no reaction required. Users may want to check back after a while if regular EDI transmissions have resumed
Sender side IT support reaction:
None required
SOAP fault
This occurs as an exception, such as in response to a malformed (non XML Schema compliant) request or in in response to failed authentication
Sender side software reaction:
Sender side user reaction:
Pass issue to sender side IT support
Sender side IT support reaction:
Try resolving the issue without getting in touch with receiver side IT support, such as by improving message generation or authentication. Only get in touch with receiver side IT support if this turns out necessary
Missing signal
This occurs as an exception when the receiving WasteX EDI node initially reacts with a SOAP message rather than a SOAP fault, but then after that there is no signal message for more than 60 minutes
Sender side software reaction:
Sender side user reaction:
If the signal remains missing after retries: Pass the issue to sender side IT support
Sender side IT support reaction:
Get in touch with receiver side IT support for resolving the issue
Rejection signal
This can occur under regular circumstances, such as when critical data is missing in transmitted messages
Sender side software reaction:
Display transmission status information to users, including SignalID, ReceiverFailureIndicator and SignalDescription, plus the formal validation report if available
Sender side user reaction:
Sender side IT support reaction:
Typically none required
Acceptance signal with INFO or WARNING formal validation result
This can occur under regular circumstances, such as when there are inconsistencies in transmitted messages
Sender side software reaction:
Display transmission status information to users, including SignalID, ReceiverFailureIndicator and SignalDescription, plus the formal validation report if available
Sender side user reaction:
Review data based on the information received in the signal, and, if needed, add/edit data and initiate a re-transmission
Sender side IT support reaction:
None required
Acceptance signal with OK formal validation result
This occurs under regular circumstances
Sender side software reaction:
Display transmission status information to users (confirmation of successful transmission)
Sender side user reaction:
None required
Sender side IT support reaction:
None required
The Austrian CA operates the [EDM] WasteX web service:
The Austrian Environment Agency operates the [EDM] WasteX web service under the general [EDM] service level conditions. See edm.gv.at, “Technische und organisatorische Spezifikationen”, “Allgemeine Betriebsbedingungen”.
In particular, the web service can become unavailable temporarily due to scheduled maintenance on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00 local time (CET/CEST).
When a WS client attempts transmission to the web service, the web service may not be available. For example, a timeout may occur because of planned maintenance of the [EDM] WasteX web service.
Note that this section applies to neither of the following:
The following list contains recommendations for handling such outages. The recommendations mainly target WasteX EDI IT developers, but also affect WasteX EDI users:
The WasteX specification defines means for real time data interchange and for the transmission of individual messages, such as individual movement announcements. For the sake of a simple and clean web service with low maintenance costs, the WasteX specification does not define means for transmitting multiple messages at once.
As a result of this WasteX design decision, the number of waste shipments that EOs conduct within a particular period of time can directly (linearly) reflect in the number of interactions with a WasteX web service, such as the [EDM] WasteX WS. Accordingly, operators of a WasteX WS must adjust its load capacity to the number of shipments for which parties use the respective WS.
As of 2023, the [EDM] WasteX WS supports the following number of interactions per WS client and unit of time:
per hour | per day | |
ShareMessage | 5.000 | 20.000 |
InitSync | 10 | 10 |
As explained under Polling, WS clients MUST NOT invoke the QueryUpdate operation more frequently than every 2 minutes.
Exceeding these limits can result in interaction rejections, i.e. [SOAP] faults.
The [EDM] WasteX web service supports Global Location Number (GLN) assigned to parties and
used in the EDM locally (EDM GLN) as recipient specific party IDs. There is no separate
entry for this type of identifiers in ↗codelist 2237. Instead, software must use EDM GLN identifiers in combination with GLN.AT
registerID attribute values.
As noted earlier, due to the lack of interoperability the specification authors advise against using recipient specific party IDs.
As of version 1.09, the [EDM] WasteX WS does not yet support the transmission of carrier confirmations.
Note that the WS reacts with INFO validation protocol entries upon attempts of transmitting carrier confirmations. The WS "ignores" carrier confirmation contents. In particular, there is no structured storage of these contents and receiver side users do not have access to these contents.
For several data elements, the WasteX specification uses the codification of information and defines sets of permitted values. Examples:
in WasteMovementSignalMessage/SignalID1
(for drum), 2
(for wooden barrel), …, 9
(for other) in MovementAnnouncement/PackagingTypeID040
(for Austria), 276
(for Germany), 380
(for Italy), … in NationalRoute/CountryIDFor several of these data elements, the WasteX specification refers to Environment Agency Austria maintained codelists with their respective 4-digit identifier. Examples:
The following table illustrates the first few entries of ↗codelist 6524 packaging types:
Code | Name |
1 | Drum |
2 | Wooden Barrel |
3 | Jerrican |
... | ... |
The following are codelist characteristics:
The following are main uses of codelists in IT:
One specific and commonly occurring case of lookup is translation between codified information and human-readable natural language text: For example, the use of codified information, such as packaging type codes 1 to 9, is common and advantageous in data electronic storage, access and exchange. However, the usability of user interfaces and export formats benefits from using more than just codified information, especially human-readable natural-language texts, such as names and descriptions. Software solutions use codelists for "translating" from the first of the following two items to the second:
Codelists are also good for combining interoperability with localization. If, for example, there is one software solution A used in Italian speaking regions, and one software solution B used in German speaking regions, then the codelist use can be as follows:
, 2
, 3
, ... for types of packagings, so that there is good interoperability between the software solutions1
Fusto, 2
Barile di legno, 3
Tanica, whereas software solution B uses a local codelist variant with names and descriptions
in German, such as 1
Trommel/Fass, 2
Holzfass, 3
Kanister. This is a very simple and efficient approach for localization: Users can access information in their native languages, and yet there is also full
interoperabilityOne example for adaptability via codelists is nations uniting or splitting, which apparently can occur anytime independent of any changes to waste shipment regulation. When a new country comes into existence, software solutions shall be quick to provide users with the possibility of selecting/identifiying the respective country, such as for the waste shipment country of destination. In EDI, the whole network of connected EDI nodes shall be quick and as synchronous as possible in adapting to this change, avoiding a lack of interoperability, in which the sender "understands" a new country, but the recipient does not yet "know" that new country. When striving for high levels of adaptability, it is a good practice for software developers to make codelist updates possible, effectively by replacing codelist database or file content, in the following ways:
The Austrian Environment Agency administrates and publishes all WasteX codelists, i.e. codelists that the WasteX specification uses/references, with natural language content - names, descriptions, etc. - in two languages, English and German.
The Austrian Environment Agency will add content in additional languages on demand.
The Austrian Environment Agency publishes all codelists that this specification references not only on the [EDM] website, but also for machine access via an [EDM] codelist web service. Implementers/operators of a connection to a WasteX web service may for example choose implementing daily checks for codelist updates via this web service, so that they fully automate keeping local codelist copies up-to-date.
The specification authors advise software developers interested in using the [EDM] codelist web service to get in touch with the [EDM] helpdesk. See Contact.
The following characterises the static use of codelists by this specification:
The following characterises the dynamic use of codelists by this specification:
The WasteX specification uses ↗codelist 3862, the list of countries, dynamically. This is because new countries can come into existence, and existing countries can vanish (such as when two countries unite into one new country) independent of any changes to the Waste Shipment Regulation or other waste shipment specific provisions. Hence software with waste shipment data exchange capabilities must be quickly and efficiently adaptable to new sets of countries.
Description of the web service operations defined by ↗wastex_webservice.wsdl. wastex_webservice.wsdl describes the web service operations with the standardised formal language ↗Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 2.0.
This description is auto-generated from an annotated variant of ↗wastex_webservice.wsdl. The specification package does NOT contain the annotated variant of the file. The specification authors make the annotated variant of the file available upon request.
The ShareMessage operation serves the following purposes:
Note 1: Web service clients may implement a unidirectional connection with edm.gv.at. Such clients do not share signal messages with edm.gv.at.
Note 2: The ShareMessage operation exhibits an ASYNCHRONOUS behaviour upon transmitting a USER MESSAGE. It exhibits a synchronous behaviour upon transmitting a signal message. When receiving a USER MESSAGE, the edm.gv.at WasteX web service reacts by sharing a signal message with the client. It is however not the ShareMessage output which contains the Signal Message. Instead, the web service client needs to poll the edm.gv.at WasteX web service for getting access to the Signal Message. The web service client polls using the QueryUpdate operation.
Example: It may take the edm.gv.at WasteX web service 7 minutes to create and disseminate a signal message in response to a received user message. If the web service client polls every 5 minutes, then it is only the second or third polling instance after disseminating the user message by which the web service client receives the corresponding signal message.
Note 3: The use of the ShareMessage operation for the transmission of corrections or additions is NOT different from the use for the initial transmission to the competent authority. The web service automatically interprets transmitted content as correction or addition, for example if all of message type, notification number and serial number correspond to those of an already submitted movement announcement.
Note 4: The use of the ShareMessage operation for the transmission of corrections or additions also does NOT differ from the use for the initial transmission in the sense that the operation expects COMPLETE messages. In the case of corrections and additions, web service clients must transmit complete messages contents, potentially including contents that have not changed since the previous transmission.
Port Type | WasteMovementServicePortType |
Input | The input of the ShareMessage operation essentially consists of the User Message (UserMessage element) with the contents to transmit to the authority or the signal message (SignalMessage element) to share with edm.gv.at. |
Output | The output of the ShareMessage operation is essentially empty. Upon sharing a user message, web service clients access the edm.gv.at WasteX web service's reaction by polling, using the QueryUpdate operation. Note: Even with regular processing of a ShareMessage user message sharing call, i.e., if the web service does NOT react with a SOAP fault but with ShareMessageResponse, it is possible that the transmission to the authority was NOT successful. An example for this is the case when the formal validation of the transmitted data leads to an automatic rejection. The SignalID value from the Signal Message indicates whether or not the transmission to the authority was successful (ACCEPTED for successful, REJECTED for unsuccessful). |
Fault | If an error occurs during the processing of the ShareMessage call, the web service responds with a SOAP 1.2 Fault. The web service may use one or more of the following fault elements defined in SOAP 1.2 to describe the error in more detail:
The InitSync operation translates a timestamp into an ID that the web service client can use as input to the first QueryUpdate call in a sequence of QueryUpdate calls.
Note: The InitSync operation is for the use on rare occasions, such as the initalisation or re-initialisation of polling. Once the web service client has initialised polling, it uses the QueryUpdate operation only, such as in 5 or 10 minute intervals. There the web service client uses the ID found in the output of one QueryUpdate call as input to the next QueryUpdate call.
Port Type | WasteMovementServicePortType |
Input | The input of the InitSync operation essentially consists of a timestamp. With this timestamp the web service client indicates its interest in polling all updates "newer" than the timestamp. |
Output | The output of the InitSync operation essentially consists of an update UUID that best matches the timestamp criterion from the InitSync input. The web service client typically uses this update UUID in the first of a sequence of QueryUpdate polling calls. |
Fault | If an error occurs during the processing of the InitSync call, the web service responds with a SOAP 1.2 Fault. The web service may use one or more of the following fault elements defined in SOAP 1.2 to describe the error in more detail:
Synchronise a client with updates available at the web service, i.e., poll for updates.
Note 1: The edm.gv.at WasteX web service handles access rights: Web service clients only get to know about selected updates, those which they are allowed to access. The web service determines access rights based on the following:
Note 2: See the web service description for permitted polling frequencies.
Port Type | WasteMovementServicePortType |
Input | The input of the QueryUpdate operation essentially consists of the UUID of the latest update already known to the web service client. Note: The web service client takes this UUID from the output of the most recent preceding QueryUpdate call(s), except upon (re-)initialising synchronisation, when it takes this UUID from the output of an InitSync call. |
Output | The output of the QueryUpdate operation essentially consists of an ordered list of updates, in ascending order by occurrence timestamp. Each update is either a User Message or a Signal Message. Note 1: If there are no updates available for the web service client at the edm.gv.at WasteX web service, then the QueryUpdate output contains 0 updates, i.e., no Update element. Note 2: If there are updates available, then the web service client uses the update UUID from the last (most recent) Update element contained in the QueryUpdate output as input to the subsequent QueryUpdate call. |
Fault | If an error occurs during the processing of the QueryUpdate call, the web service responds with a SOAP 1.2 Fault. The web service may use one or more of the following fault elements defined in SOAP 1.2 to describe the error in more detail:
Description of the data formats defined by the XML Schema Definition wastex_webservice_types.xsd. The description covers:
This description is auto-generated from an annotated variant of ↗wastex_webservice_types.xsd. The specification package does NOT contain the annotated variant of the file. The specification authors make the annotated variant of the file available upon request.
Input to the ShareMessage operation.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ClientInterfaceVersionID | 1..1 | AUTO Constant passed by the client to the web service, indicating the version of the web service specification implemented at client side. |
ClientVersionID | 1..1 | AUTO Version of the client software conducting the web service operation call. Note: This is solely for debugging purposes in cases of impaired operation. |
TransactionUUID | 1..1 | AUTO A Version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) in canonical representation generated by the web service client specifically for this web service operation call. Note 1: This serves as a reference, such as in signalling the reception status (backward sharing). Note 2: A new UUID is needed for each new operation call. This includes cases in which the call is effectively used for updating previously transmitted information, or for re-attempting a previously failed operation call. Note 3: If the client provides a UUID that has already been used before the operation call will typically fail (SOAP fault). The set of supported values: Character strings that are a canonical representation of a version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Note that each such character string consists of exactly 36 characters. Any character string of a length other than 36 is hence not one of the supported values. Example value: 113f2554-3048-4306-9eb6-baa6d234f88f |
UserMessage | 0..1 | The message to be shared. Note 1: A user message is a message containing waste shipment related information shared by one party at one point in time, such as movement announcement or confirmation of waste receipt. Note 2: The purpose of sharing the respective message can be one of the following: 1. Initial sharing of information, i.e., sharing of information that has not yet been shared previously. 2. Update of information Example: In this example a movement announcement for a particular combination of notification number and sequential number is shared two times: 1. The first time, in this example 8 days prior to the planned shipment start date, for actually announcing the shipment to competent authorities and the consignee. 2. Later on a second time, in this example 4 days prior to the planned shipment start date, in order to add or correct information compared to the initially transmitted announcement. |
SignalMessage | 0..1 | The message to be shared. Note: A signal message is an EDI node's automatically generated reaction to receiving a user message. It could for example be an acknowledgement of receiving the message. |
ShareMessageRequestType usage occurrences: 🠖ShareMessage
Output of the ShareMessage operation.
Note: The ShareMessage operation works asnychronously. As a result, clients do not receive status information on a ShareMessage call in the response to that call. Instead, the client gets status information either as response to the QueryUpdate (polling) operation, or as SOAP fault information.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ServiceInterfaceVersionID | 1..1 | Constant passed by the web service to the client, indicating the version of the web service specification implemented at web service side. |
ServiceVersionID | 1..1 | Version of the web service instance software. Note: This is solely for debugging purposes in cases of impaired operation. |
ShareMessageResponseType usage occurrences: 🠖ShareMessage
Input to the InitSync operation.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ClientInterfaceVersionID | 1..1 | Constant passed by the client to the web service, indicating the version of the web service specification implemented at client side. |
ClientVersionID | 1..1 | Version of the client software conducting the web service operation call. Note: This is solely for debugging purposes in cases of impaired operation. |
StartFromUTCTimestamp | 1..1 | A UTC timestamp indicating the reference point in time for updates to query from the web service, for querying updates "newer" than indicated by the timestamp. Note: EDI web service nodes following this specification are NOT required to keep updates for more than 7 weeks. Older updates may not be available anymore. Setting the timestamp further in the past may not yield additional updates. |
InitSyncRequestType usage occurrences: 🠖InitSync
Output of the InitSync operation.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ServiceInterfaceVersionID | 1..1 | Constant passed by the web service to the client, indicating the version of the web service specification implemented at web service side. |
ServiceVersionID | 1..1 | Version of the web service instance software. Note: This is solely for debugging purposes in cases of impaired operation. |
UpdateUUID | 1..1 | A Version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) used by the web service for the appropriate update given the UTC timestamp in the InitSync input. This UUID is meant to be used as initial input in a new sequence of QueryUpdate calls. Example value: da626250-f25c-44eb-9928-c48ff7608450 |
InitSyncResponseType usage occurrences: 🠖InitSync
Input to the QueryUpdate operation.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ClientInterfaceVersionID | 1..1 | Constant passed by the client to the web service, indicating the version of the web service specification implemented at client side. |
ClientVersionID | 1..1 | Version of the client software conducting the web service operation call. Note: This is solely for debugging purposes in cases of impaired operation. |
UpdateRangeStartUUID | 1..1 | The lower bound (exclusive) of the ID range of updates to be queried. Note 1: In the regular case this must be the transaction UUID of the latest update known to the client from a previous QueryUpdate operation call. In the special re-sync or init-sync case this must be a transaction UUID retrieved by a InitSync call. The update with that transaction UUID will NOT be included in the response to the QueryUpdate operation call. Note 2: Web services following this specification are NOT required to keep updates for more than 7 weeks. Older updates may not be available anymore. Example value: da626250-f25c-44eb-9928-c48ff7608450 |
QueryUpdateRequestType usage occurrences: 🠖QueryUpdate
Output of the QueryUpdate operation.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ServiceInterfaceVersionID | 1..1 | Constant passed by the web service to the client, indicating the version of the web service specification implemented at web service side. |
ServiceVersionID | 1..1 | Version of the web service instance software. Note: This is solely for debugging purposes in cases of impaired operation. |
AdditionalUpdatesIndicator | 1..1 | An indication of whether or not updates in addition to those contained in this response are immediately available from the web service. 'true' means that additional updates are immediately available. Note: This is meant to be used to keep the byte size of the response to each QueryUpdate call reasonably low. In this specification, the web service is meant to deliver a maximum of 256 updates at once. |
Update | 0..256 | One or more updates the web service delivers to the web service client. A single update is one of the following: 1. User message, such as confirmation of waste receipt 2. Signal message, i.e., i.e., an EDI node's automatically generated reaction - such as acknowledgement - to receiving a user message Note 1: The web service informs the client only about those updates to which the client / database instance is allowed to have access. See the specification PDF. Note 2: The order of Update elements in the QueryUpdate response reflects the chronological order. |
QueryUpdateResponseType usage occurrences: 🠖QueryUpdate
Information on an exceptional error that occurred during the processing of an operation call and led to terminating/aborting the processing.
Note: This information is meant to be used in testing and debugging, and is not meant to be displayed to common users.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
FailureTypeID | 0..1 | The type of failure. |
FailureResponseType usage occurrences: 🠖InitSync, 🠖QueryUpdate, 🠖ShareMessage
A signal message, i.e., an EDI node's automatically generated reaction to receiving a user message.
Note: When the EDI works as expected, then this message serves as an acknowledgement of receipt. Both upon successful receipt of a message as well as upon the rejection of a message, a signal message can contain validation report information meant to be displayed to users.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
wxm:WasteMovementSignalMessage | 1..1 | Results of the validation of a waste shipment user message at a receiving EDI node. |
SignalMessageType usage occurrences: ShareMessageRequestType, UpdateEventType
Information on an event, such as new messages being available from the web service.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
UpdateUUID | 1..1 | A Version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) used by the web service for this update. Note 1: The order of Update elements in the QueryUpdate response reflects the chronological order of updates. If there are updates available to a web service client in a call to the QueryUpdate operation, then the number of Update elements contained in the response is greater than or equal to 1, and the web service client uses the UpdateUUID of the LAST Update element contained in the response as input to the UpdateRangeStartUUID element in subsequent calls of the QueryUpdate operation. Note 2: For updates initiated by a client to this web service, such as through a ShareMessage call, the UUID used by the web service for the update is the transaction UUID passed by the client to the web service. Example value: 71ffe8e5-5978-482a-9558-f262397783ef |
UpdateUTCTimestamp | 1..1 | A UTC time stamp created by the web service and assigned to this update. |
UserMessage | 0..1 | A message containing waste shipment related information shared by one party at one point in time, such as a movement announcement or a confirmation of waste receipt. |
SignalMessage | 0..1 | An EDI node's automatically generated reaction to receiving a user message. Examples:
UpdateEventType usage occurrences: QueryUpdateResponseType
A user message, i.e., waste shipment related information shared by one party at one point in time, such as a movement announcement.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
wxm:WasteMovementUserMessage | 1..1 | The user message, i.e., waste shipment related information shared by one party at one point in time, such as movement announcement or confirmation of waste receipt. |
UserMessageType usage occurrences: ShareMessageRequestType, UpdateEventType
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
FailureTypeIdentifierContentType xs:token | 1..1 | Enumeration of failure types. The set of supported values:
FailureTypeIdentifierContentType usage occurrences: FailureResponseType
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
IndicatorContentType xs:boolean | 1..1 | Yes/No value (Yes: property applies; No: property does not apply). |
IndicatorContentType usage occurrences: QueryUpdateResponseType
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
PredeterminedScopeReferenceIdentifierType | 1..1 | Reference with an identifier from an identification scheme that is predetermined and therefore not explicitely contained in the data. |
PredeterminedScopeReferenceIdentifierType usage occurrences: InitSyncRequestType, InitSyncResponseType, QueryUpdateRequestType, QueryUpdateResponseType, ShareMessageRequestType, ShareMessageResponseType
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
Token64Type xs:token | 1..1 | String consisting of a maximum of 64 characters and a minimum of 1 character, which does not contain carriage return (#xD), line feed (#xA) or tab (#x9), does not begin or end with a space, and does not contain two or more consecutive spaces. |
Token64Type usage occurrences: PredeterminedScopeReferenceIdentifierType
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
UUIDIdentifierContentType xs:string | 1..1 | A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) in canonical representation. The set of supported values: Character strings that are a canonical representation of a version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Note that each such character string consists of exactly 36 characters. Any character string of a length other than 36 is hence not one of the supported values. Example value: aeca8c2d-523a-431a-812e-abd8a2475722 |
UUIDIdentifierContentType usage occurrences: QueryUpdateRequestType, ShareMessageRequestType, UpdateEventType
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
VersionIdentifierType xs:token | 1..1 | Version information. The following properties must apply:
VersionIdentifierType usage occurrences: InitSyncRequestType, InitSyncResponseType, QueryUpdateRequestType, QueryUpdateResponseType, ShareMessageRequestType, ShareMessageResponseType
Description of the data formats defined by the XML Schema Definition wastex_message.xsd. The description covers:
This description is auto-generated from an annotated variant of ↗wastex_message.xsd. The specification package does NOT contain the annotated variant of the file. The specification authors make the annotated variant of the file available upon request.
Waste shipment related information provided by one party at one point in time.
This can be either:
Note: With the Austrian EDM WasteX interface, the Austrian Competent Authority for shipments of waste cannot currently accept/access carrier confirmations. See validation 🠖R725. Sharing carrier confirmations by EDI with the Austrian competent authority will be enabled in future revisions of the EDM WasteX interface.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
MessageUUID | 1..1 | A Version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) in canonical representation assigned to this particular message instance by the software upon the message creation (marshalling). Note 1: This element is mainly for debugging purposes. Note 2: The WasteX EDI protocol does NOT expect or require software to implement message receipt related logic based on the message UUID. Note 3: Software with a role in WasteX EDI shall NOT display this information to regular users, and must not let regular users edit this information. The set of supported lexical representations and values: Character strings that are a canonical representation of a version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Note that each such character string consists of exactly 36 characters. Any character string of a length other than 36 is hence not one of the supported values. Example value: »7870d594-fbb4-49c3-ac23-39a5cf82df80« |
MessageCreationUTCTimestamp | 1..1 | A UTC timestamp indicating the point in time when software generated (marshalled) this message XML instance. Note 1: This element is mainly for debugging purposes. Note 2: Software with a role in WasteX EDI shall NOT display this information to regular users, and must not let regular users edit this information. Note 3: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R114 automatically rejects a received user message if the message creation timestamp lies in the future. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »2022-10-25T11:01:35.524380Z« |
MessageCreationDataFormatVersionID | 1..1 | Identification of the WasteX data format version with which the message creation software's message creation implementation complies. Note 1: Software with a role in WasteX EDI must not let regular users edit this information. Note 2: In "forwarding" scenarios (information dissemination over multiple data interchange nodes) this information must remain unchanged. Note 3: This is a static value written by the message creation software. It is NOT an indication of whether or not the specific message actually uses "new" message format features, such as "new" message elements. Example: For the software creating the user message, the implementation of the user message creation complies with v1.04 of the data format specification. The user message therefore contains a MessageCreationDataFormatVersionID value of 1.04. The particular user message MAY however, by coincidence, comply with lower versions of the data format, such as 1.02, as the user message may not use any of the data elements and values introduced with newer versions of the format. Note 4: See the data format description PDF document for more information on the handling of data format versions and version transformations. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »1.01« |
MessageTransformationDataFormatVersionID | 0..1 | Identification of the WasteX data format version to which the original message was converted in the electronic data interchange. Note 1: Software with a role in WasteX EDI must not let regular users edit this information. Note 2: Software must newly include this element in a generated user message if and only it applies a version transformation. Note 3: Software with a role in WasteX EDI applies version transformation if and only if the recipient node in a data interchange does not support the version of the data format in which the message is available at the sender node, but supports a lower version only. Consequently, for each user message that features a MessageTransformationDataFormatVersionID, the MessageTransformationDataFormatVersionID must be lower than the MessageCreationDataFormatVersionID. Note 4: See the data format description PDF document for more information on the handling of data format versions and version transformations. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »1.00« |
MessageCreationPartyID | 1..1 | Identification of the party that assembles/administrates/fills in the waste shipment information contained in the message. Note 1: In "forwarding" scenarios (information dissemination over multiple data interchange nodes), this information must remain unchanged. Note 2: In the forwarding of information, the message sender is different from the message creator. Note 3: The WSR defines who has to provide which information to whom at which point in the processes. Note 4: A party may instruct someone else to prepare and send the information for him. For example, a provider of waste shipment related services may prepare and send the movement announcement for the notifier. In this example the service provider acts on behalf of the notifier (represents the notifier). In such a case of representation, it is always the INFORMATION ON THE REPRESENTED PARTY (in the example: the notifier) that is expected in the data element, and NEVER information on the representative. Note 5: It is a sender side responsibility to ascertain that the party identified as message creator has actually created the message. See the interface description PDF for more details. Note 6: In the representation case described in note 4, it is also a sender side responsibility to ascertain that the represented party has authorized the representing party with its representation. Note 7: In user interfaces users typically must not be able to edit this information. It is information derived from aspects such as the following: The authenticated user (natural person), whom the authenticated user is authorized to represent, and whom the authenticated user actually represents. Note 8: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R279, 🠖R497 and 🠖R967 automatically reject a received user message if the message creation party does not match one of the parties with the respective role, such as notifier, carrier or waste treatment party, identified within the message and/or identified in the notification data at the validating EDI node. Note 9: For NotificationAndDecision content, the message creation party is the notifier for transmissions triggered by the notification, and it is the competent authority for transmissions triggered by a decision. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »9110015228588« in combination with @registerID attribute »GLN.AT« for the identification of company »Remondis Austria GmbH« |
MovementAnnouncement | 0..1 | Announcement of an individual shipment of waste, in accordance with Article 16(b) of the WSR ("prior information regarding actual start of shipment"). |
MovementAnnouncementStatus | 0..1 | Status of the announcement of an individual shipment of waste, in accordance with Article 16(b) of the WSR ("prior information regarding actual start of shipment"). With a MovementAnnouncementStatus message, a party (notifier) informs about the CANCELLATION of a previously announced shipment of waste. |
CarrierConfirmation | 0..1 | Carrier's confirmation of taking charge of a shipment of waste, in accordance with Article 16 of the WSR, as well as Annex IB block 8 and Annex IC paragraphs 6 and 32. |
ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt | 0..1 | Confirmation of the receipt of an individual shipment of waste, in accordance with Article 16(d) or Article 15(c) of the WSR. |
ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment | 0..1 | Confirmation of the completion of the treatment of an individual shipment of waste, in accordance with Article 16(e), Article 15(e) or Article 15(d) of the WSR. Note: The WasteX protocol does NOT support the exchange of information on the completion of the treatment of waste at INDIVDUAL subsequent treatment facilities. |
Notification | 0..1 | Prior written notification about intended shipments of waste, in accordance with Article 4 of the WSR. Note 1: The WasteX protocol does not support business-to-authority transmissions of notifications, i.e., it does not support the Notification element in the input of the ShareMessage operation. Thus the Notification element can only occur in the output of the QueryUpdate operation. Note 2: The WasteX protocol provides notification data to all authorized parties equally and at the same time. In particular: Parties such as notifier and recovery or disposal parties can access the notification as soon as structured electronic notification data is available at the competent authority, INDEPENDENT of whether or not authorities have already decided on the notification, such as by explicit or tacit consent. Note 3: Note that competent authorities can accept changes to a consented notification without affecting the consents, such as adding an additional carrier. Thus updates to a notification can occur even if there is already full consent by competent authorities. Note 4: Note that changes to the parties listed in the notification, such as adding an additional carrier or removing a recovery or disposal party, affects which parties the WasteX protocol treats as authorized of accessing notification, consents and movement document data such as movement announcement. For a web service client and its users that gain new access to updates via an additional party in the notification there may be a need to not only fetch the latest updates from the WasteX web service, but to conduct an exceptional syncing of earlier updates. There is a seperate section on this matter in the web service description, called Update synchronization and update filtering. Note 5: Version 1.09 of the WasteX specification introduced the Notification element - version 1.08 and earlier did not support the dissemination of Notification information. For backward compatibility the WasteX web service delivers notification updates only to those web service clients which declare supporting WasteX v1.09 or higher in the ClientInterfaceVersionID element. |
Decision | 0..1 | Competent authorities' decision about intended notified shipments of waste, in accordance with Article 9 of the WSR. Note 1: The WasteX protocol does not support business-to-authority transmissions of decisions, i.e., it does not support the Decision element in the input of the ShareMessage operation. Thus the Decision element can only occur in the output of the QueryUpdate operation. Note 2: The WasteX specification currently supports consent information only, but does not currently support exchanging objection information. Note 3: Version 1.09 of the WasteX specification introduced the Decision element. Only those web service clients receive Decision content via the QueryUpdate operation which declare supporting WasteX v1.09 or higher (see ClientInterfaceVersionID element). |
InformationFromVersionTransformationText | 0..1 | Textual content generated by software in the translation of a data instance compliant with a higher version of the data format to a data instance compliant with a lower version of the data format. Note 1: Software with a role in WasteX EDI must not let regular users edit this information. Note 2: This can contain codified information, such as recovery disposal codes, textual information automatically created from codified information (in English), or the reproduction of textual information (in the natural language that has been used for the textual information). Therefore this element can contain a mix of natural languages. Fictitious example: If in v1.81 of the data format there is a new data element TreatmentTypeID which v1.80 of the data format did not contain, then the translation of a data instance from version 1.81 of the data format to version 1.80 of the data format removes the TreatmentTypeID element, but writes textual information on the treatment in the InformationFromVersionTransformationText data element. Note 3: Software newly fills this element if and only if it conducts a version transformation whereby information would get lost without inclusion in InformationFromVersionTransformationText. Note 4: See the data format description PDF document for more information on the handling of data format versions and version transformations. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »Treatment type (TreatmentTypeID): Regeneration of acids or bases (R6)« |
WasteMovementUserMessage usage occurrences: MessageValidationContext, 🠖UserMessageType
Information related to the processing and validation of a WasteMovementUserMessage at an electronic data interchange (EDI) node.
Note: It is software that automatically generates ALL the contents in a waste movement signal message. There is no direct involvement of users in the generation of a waste movement signal message.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
SignalMessageUUID | 1..1 | A Version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) in canonical representation assigned to this particular message instance by the software upon the message creation (marshalling). Note 1: This element is mainly for debugging purposes. Note 2: The WasteX EDI protocol does NOT expect or require software to implement any message receipt related logic based on the message UUID. Note 3: Software with a role in WasteX EDI shall NOT display this information to regular users, and must not let regular users edit this information. The set of supported lexical representations and values: Character strings that are a canonical representation of a version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Note that each such character string consists of exactly 36 characters. Any character string of a length other than 36 is hence not one of the supported values. Example value: »2987137d-5379-4f2b-950c-1f4387fddfdd« |
SignalMessageCreationUTCTimestamp | 1..1 | A UTC timestamp indicating the point in time when software generated (marshalled) this signal message XML instance. Note 1: This element is mainly for debugging purposes. Note 2: Software with a role in WasteX EDI shall NOT display this information to regular users, and must not let regular users edit this information. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »2022-10-25T11:01:35.524380Z« |
ValidationNodeName | 1..1 | A short name by which the node that conducted the validation of a waste movement message is known to users. Note: This name should be the same as the one that occurs in validation report texts for referring to the node conducting the validation (see also MessageValidationContext/ValidationNodeName in the validation context data format). Supported lexical representations and values:
Example values:
SignalMessageCreationDataFormatVersionID | 1..1 | Identification of the WasteX data format version with which the message creation software's signal message creation implementation complies. Note 1: Software with a role in WasteX EDI must not let regular users edit this information. Note 2: In "forwarding" scenarios (information dissemination over multiple data interchange nodes) this information must remain unchanged. Note 3: This is a static value written by the message creation software. It is NOT an indication of whether or not the specific message actually uses "new" message format features, such as "new" message elements. Example: For the software creating the signal message, the implementation of the signal message creation complies with v1.04 of the data format specification. The message therefore contains a SignalMessageCreationDataFormatVersionID value of 1.04. The particular message MAY however, by coincidence, comply with lower versions of the data format, such as 1.02, as the signal message may not use any of the data elements and values introduced with newer versions of the format. Note 4: See the data format description PDF document for more information on the handling of data format versions and version transformations. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »1.01« |
SignalMessageTransformationDataFormatVersionID | 0..1 | Identification of the data format version to which the original message was converted in the electronic data interchange. Note 1: Software with a role in WasteX EDI must not let regular users edit this information. Note 2: Software must newly include this element in a generated signal message if and only it applies a version transformation. Note 3: Software with a role in WasteX EDI applies version transformation if and only if the recipient node in a data interchange does not support the version of the data format in which the message is available at the sender node, but supports a lower version only. Consequently, for each signal message that features a SignalMessageTransformationDataFormatVersionID, the SignalMessageTransformationDataFormatVersionID must be lower than the SignalMessageCreationDataFormatVersionID. Note 4: See the data format description PDF document for more information on the handling of data format versions and version transformations. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »1.00« |
ReferredAnnouncementIdentity | 1..1 | The announcement identity referred to in the validated waste movement user message. Note: The EDI node conducting the formal validation copies the announcement identity (notification number and serial number) contained in the validated waste movement user message to this element of the signal message. |
ReferredUserMessageUUID | 1..1 | A Version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) in canonical representation which refers to the waste movement user message to which this validation result applies. Note: The EDI node conducting the formal validation copies the message UUID contained in the validated waste movement user message, originally assigned by the software that created the waste movement user message, to this element of the signal message. The set of supported lexical representations and values: Character strings that are a canonical representation of a version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Note that each such character string consists of exactly 36 characters. Any character string of a length other than 36 is hence not one of the supported values. Example value: »7870d594-fbb4-49c3-ac23-39a5cf82df80« |
ReferredUserMessageTypeID | 1..1 | The type of the validated waste movement user message. Note: The EDI node conducting the formal validation fills this element based on which of the MovementAnnouncement, MovementAnnouncementStatus, CarrierConfirmation, ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt or ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment elements is used in the validated waste movement user message. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
ReferredTransactionUUID | 0..1 | A Version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) in canonical representation which refers to the transaction that triggered the waste movement user message validation. Note 1: The EDI node conducting the formal validation copies the transaction UUID from the transaction by which it received the validated waste movement user message. Note 2: The WasteX message format is designed to be reusable across different EDI protocols. Whether or not there are transaction UUIDs used for the transaction of WasteX waste movement user messages depends on the type of EDI protocol used for the exchange of the messages. For example, in an extremely basic usage of the messages they could be transferred by email. In that case there wouldn't be any transaction UUID to which the signal message could refer. The set of supported lexical representations and values: Character strings that are a canonical representation of a version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Note that each such character string consists of exactly 36 characters. Any character string of a length other than 36 is hence not one of the supported values. Example value: »113f2554-3048-4306-9eb6-baa6d234f88f« |
SignalID | 1..1 | The overall result of receiving a user message at an EDI node. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
Note 1: In the »REJECTED« case, for users on the receiving side of the user message transmission it is as if the transmission never happened. Consequently, in this case the sending side needs to initiate any potential further actions. Note 2: An exception occurring at the EDI node receiving a user message MAY be the cause for the »REJECTED« case. |
ReceiverFailureIndicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the rejection of the received user message is caused by the EDI node receiving the user message. Note 1: A signal message MUST contain a ReceiverFailureIndicator if the SignalID is set to »REJECTED«. It MUST NOT contain a ReceiverFailureIndicator in other cases. Note 2: With a ReceiverFailureIndicator set to »true«, an EDI node receiving a user message attributes rejection to the receiver side. Example: Rejection caused by the unavailability of a database or service at the receiving EDI node. A signal message with a ReceiverFailureIndicator set to »true« is comparable with a SOAP 1.2 Fault with a Fault/Code set to value »soap12:Receiver«. With a ReceiverFailureIndicator set to »false«, an EDI node receiving a user message attributes rejection to the receiver side. stands for an automated message rejection that the receiving EDI node attributes to the receiver side, indicating that it occurs independent of the sender, including independent of a sent messages's contents. An example for a rejection reason attributed to the receiver side is a rejection caused by the unavailability of a database or service at the receiving EDI node. Note 3: With a ReceiverFailureIndicator set to »false«, an EDI node receiving a user message attributes rejection to the sender side. Example: Rejection caused by unacceptable content contained in the transmitted message, such as negative mass values or message contents that contradict each other (inconsistencies). Note 4: Part of formal validation is consistency checks between contents of transmitted messages and contents of receiver side databases. Important potential causes of such inconsistencies: (a) contents of the transmitted message, (b) contents of a receiver side database, or (c) a combination of the two. In most cases software will need to leave it to users to figure out which of these causes applies. Not least for this reason, the purpose of ReceiverFailureIndicator value is providing LIKELIHOOD information with regard to the need of involving the receiver side, guiding the sender side with regard to dealing with transmission issues:
The set of supported lexical representations and values:
SignalDescription | 0..1 | A natural language description of the signal. Note 1: This element is for natural language content NOT resulting from formal message validation, as the latter is contained in the element MessageFormalValidationReport. Note 2: Like the natural language texts in MessageFormalValidationReport, any such SignalDescription text is meant to be displayed to users. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »Internal error at edm.gv.at, contact IT support« |
MessageFormalValidationResultID | 0..1 | The overall result from a formal validation of a WasteX waste movement user message by a receiving EDI node (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 6099). The set of supported lexical representations and values:
Note 1: If the signal is rejection of the user message, and if the rejection is NOT caused by the formal validation, then there MUST NOT be a MessageFormalValidationResultID element in the signal message. Note 2: On the combination of INFO, WARNING and ERROR elements in the validation report entries (MessageFormalValidationReport element) and the resulting overall result (MessageFormalValidationResultID):
Note 3: A message validation ERROR status leads to the rejection of a received message. A message validation ERROR status in element MessageFormalValidationResultID can therefore only occur in combination with content REJECTED in element SignalID. Note 4: The opposite implication of Note 3 does NOT apply. A rejection may occur for other reasons than an ERROR resulting from formal user message validation, such as the database not being available. Therefore REJECTED values in SignalID can occur WITHOUT an ERROR value in MessageFormalValidationResultID. |
MessageFormalValidationReport | 0..1 | The detailed validation results in Schematron Validation Report Language (SVRL) format. Note 1: If the signal is rejection of the user message, and if the rejection is NOT caused by the formal validation, then there MUST NOT be a MessageFormalValidationReport element in the signal message. Note 2: The WasteX specification recommends XSLT processing - using the WasteX formal validation XSLT - for implementing message validation at EDI nodes. EDI nodes MAY however implement formal validation in a different way. Independent of the way of implementing formal validation, EDI nodes MUST represent validation results in SVRL format for WasteX EDI. |
WasteMovementSignalMessage usage occurrences: 🠖SignalMessageType
A WasteX message together with contextual information, such as from the notification, used as basis for formal validation of the WasteX message.
Note 1: The WasteX EDI protocol does NOT use this structure, i.e., this structure does NOT occur in the inputs and outputs of a WasteX web service. Accordingly, this structure does not play a direct role for the implementation of a connection to a WasteX web service. It does however play a role in the implementation of formal validation at a WasteX EDI node.
Note 2: A WasteX EDI node fills a validation context XML structure in preparation for formal validation of a received WasteX user message. A WasteX EDI node fills the first element in the MessageValidationContext XML structure, WasteMovementUserMessage, with the received user message. It fills the other elements with data from other sources, such as constants or configuration information (e.g. ValidationNodeProtocolVersionID) or data from a database at the validating EDI node (e.g. ValidationNodeIndividualData).
Note 3: The following is a general principle for the MessageValidationContext XML structure and formal validation based on MessageValidationContext instances. It applies to all non-repeatable elements from the validation context other than elements from the received WasteX user message, i.e., other than sub-elements of WasteMovementUserMessage. The principle is that formal validation uses the available elements and "ignores" missing elements. This means that formal validation is "tolerant" with respect to content missing from the validation context. It is "tolerant" in the sense that formal validation rules which depend on a specific valdiation context element do not trigger if the validation context instance does not contain this respective element. The main aim of this "tolerant" and "graceful" behaviour is simplifying the implementation and testing of formal validation in EDI nodes. It makes it possible to implement the generation of validation context data step by step, element by element, and to verify the correct functioning of formal validation at each of these steps - the principle assures that formal validation reports only contain meaningful content in each of these steps.
Note 4: For the implementation of generating a MessageValidationContext instance it is important to note that validating EDI nodes must fill certain validation context elements dependent on contents from the received WasteX user message. For example, an EDI node must fill the elements NotificationInDatabaseIndicator and Notification under ValidationNodeIndividualData with data based on notification/consent information available at the validating EDI node's database FOR A SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION, namely the notification the received user message references in element AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID. The definition texts for the validation context elements explain any such interdependencies in detail.
Note 5: Several of the definition texts for validation context elements contain Pseudo-SQL statements. These Pseudo-SQL statements illustrate how an EDI node may access the data needed for filling the respective validation context element. Actual query expressions used in WasteX EDI node implementations depend on the technological means and the database model used at the EDI node. Notation in Pseudo-SQL statements:
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
WasteMovementUserMessage | 1..1 | A WasteX user message that the validating EDI node includes in the validation context XML instance for subsequently applying WasteX formal validation on the message. Note: It is a prerequisite for applying WasteX formal validation to a WasteX user message that the user message is valid with respect to the WasteX XML Schema Definition (XSD). EDI nodes MUST NOT apply WasteX formal validation (XSL transformation of a validation context XML instance) to user messages that are not valid with respect to the WasteX XML Schema Definition. Applying WasteX formal validation (XSL transformation of a validation context XML instance) to a WasteX user message which violates the WasteX Schema Definition yields undefined behaviour and results. |
InteractingEDINodeID | 0..1 | The ID of the 'external' EDI node out of whose interaction with the validating EDI node the WasteX user message included in the WasteMovementUserMessage element originates. Note: For the WasteX "Basic" EDI protocol, the validating EDI node must fill this with the ID part (first part) from the credentials content contained in authentication related HTTP headers. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »AXIANS.CLOUD« |
EDIInteractionUTCTimestamp | 0..1 | A UTC timestamp generated by the validating EDI node for the point in time of receiving the shared user message (contained in the validation context in the WasteMovementUserMessage element). Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »2022-10-25T11:03:51.821450Z« |
ValidationNodeName | 0..1 | A short name users know/recognize the EDI node that prepares and conducts the formal validation of a WasteX user message. Note: This name is used in validation report texts for referring to the node conducting the validation, and therefore for giving users an idea on the origin of validation report content. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example values:
ValidationNodeProtocolVersionID | 0..1 | The version of the WasteX (Basic) protocol that the validating EDI node implements. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »1.01« |
ValidationNodeIndividualData | 0..1 | Individual records of data available in the database at the EDI node prior to receiving a WasteX message and related to that message, i.e., related to the notification number and serial number contained in the message. Examples:
ValidationNodeAggregatedContentData | 0..1 | An aggregation of RECORD CONTENTS available at the EDI node database prior to the receipt of the new message (contained in the validation context), for records related to the newly received message, such as by referring to the same consent. Note 1: "Record" refers to database records on movement announcements, confirmations of waste receipt, and the like. Note 2: Unless specified differently for the individual data element, the aggeragtion must take into account ALL records matching the specified criteria, including records unrelated to WasteX EDI, such as records created via a GUI entry. |
ValidationNodeAggregatedChangeData | 0..1 | An aggregation of record CHANGES that occurred at the EDI node database prior to the receipt of the new message (contained in the validation context), for records related to newly received message, such as records referring to the same notification number, serial number and content type. Note 1: "Record" refers to database records on movement announcements, confirmations of waste receipt, and the like. Note 2: In order for an EDI node to be capable of aggregating record change information, it must - in the absence of other solutions - keep a log on record entries and updates. Aggregating record change information does however NOT depend on the archiving of records/contents, such as the archiving of the original movement announcements contents when there is an update/correction of the movement announcement. Note 3: Unless specified differently for the individual data element, the aggeragtion must take into account ALL record changes matching the specified criteria, including changes unrelated to WasteX EDI, such as changes via a GUI. |
ValidationNodeReferenceData | 0..1 | Reference data used at the EDI node receiving a WasteX message and conducting the validation. Example:
Identification of parties which use a specific registered database instances.
Note: This is intended to be used as an "allow list" for EDI. Operators of EDI node A send such a list to operators of another EDI node B, so that EDI node B can accept EDI node A to "represent" certain parties.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
DatabaseInstancePartyList | 1..4096 | Each DatabaseInstancePartyList element contains the list of parties which use one specific database instance. |
Identification of waste movement announcements for which all exchanged data shall be marked as withdrawn by EDI partners, potentially including confirmations of waste receipt and confirmations of waste treatment.
Note 1: Exchanging a WithdrawalMarkCollection XML instance serves the purpose of letting EDI partners know of an erroneous use of notification number and waste shipment announcement serial number combinations in EDI transmissions.
Note 2: Evidently, WasteX EDI partners avoid erroneous use of notification number and waste shipment announcement serial number combinations to the greatest extent possible in the first place, as any such erroneous usage results in significant mis-information of partners with potentially severe consequences.
Note 3: The erroneous use of ID combinations can lead to one of the following:
Examples: The following two examples illustrate the two cases of Note 3. In both examples, EDI partners exchange information in relation to notifications »AT 1«, »AT 2« and »AT 3«. The EDI partners have already correctly exchanged the following number of movement announcements for the notifications: 64 for »AT 1«, 0 for »AT 2«, 32 for »AT 3«.
Note 4: The EDI protocol does NOT use this structure, i.e. this structure does NOT occur in the inputs and outputs of a WasteX web service. Accordingly, this structure does not play a direct role for the implementation of a connection to a WasteX web service.
With WasteX, EDI partners exchange WithdrawalMarkCollection XML instances (a) only upon the special occasion of "undoing" erroneous EDI transmissions, and (b) only "manually", such as by e-mail.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
WithdrawalMarkList | 1..16384 | Each WithdrawalMarkList element contains the list of serial numbers to mark as withdrawn for one specific notification. |
Announcement of an individual shipment of waste, in accordance with Article 16(b) of the WSR ("prior information regarding actual start of shipment").
Note 1: A party (notifier) can update a previously transmitted announcement by disseminating a new WasteX MovementAnnouncement message with the same combination of notification number and serial number as in the originally transmitted announcement.
Note 2: The WSR expects economic operators to only transmit final information to competent authorities, rather than transmitting updates and corrections incrementally or in real-time. This also applies to WasteX EDI transmissions. Competent authorities expect economic operators to use EDI transmissions such that updates and corrections are the exception rather than the rule. Even though the WasteX EDI protocol defines few hard limits on updates and corrections, failure to comply with these principles can result in competent authorities' countermeasures directed at economic operators and/or developers/operators of WasteX EDI nodes. See also formal validation 🠖R342.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
AnnouncementIdentity | 1..1 | A tuple of identifiers by which the notifier announces/announced the individual shipment of waste to competent authorities. Pursuant to the WSR, this tuple consists of (a) the notification number identifying the notification and consent(s), and (b) a serial number. The notifier uses serial number 1 for the first individual shipment of waste announced for a specific notification/consent, and increments the serial number for each subsequent announced shipment of waste under the same consent. Note: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R170 automatically triggers a warning if the serial number exceeds the total intended/consented number of shipments according to the corresponding notification/consent data at the validating EDI node. |
MovementUUID | 0..1 | A Version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) in canonical representation, identifying the individual shipment of waste. Note 1: This data element serves the following purpose: Multiple announcements may be needed for what economic operators regard as a single shipment of waste under their commercial contracts, due to constraints on the way competent authorities expect movement announcements to be used. For example, a planned shipment of waste may be delayed by two weeks. Competent authorities may require the cancellation of the original movement announcement in that case, and the issuance of a new movement announcement with a new serial number. Via the movement UUID it is possible to transmit information expressing that different announcements refer to the same shipment of waste from the economic operators' point of view. Note 2: This information is typically not of relevance to competent authorities. Note 3: Software with a role in WasteX EDI shall NOT display this information to regular users, and must not let regular users edit this information. The set of supported lexical representations and values: Character strings that are a canonical representation of a version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Note that each such character string consists of exactly 36 characters. Any character string of a length other than 36 is hence not one of the supported values. Example value: »45c35151-f38b-42d4-ac3e-0a6d2659dbe6« |
WasteProductionPartySite | 0..256 | The waste production/generation party and site from which the shipped waste originates. Note 1: Corresponds to block 9 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: Each party and site must correspond to a waste production party and site combination from the notification. See formal validation 🠖R259. |
WasteMass | 0..1 | The mass of waste to be shipped. UN03000214 Note 1: Corresponds to block 5 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: The MovementAnnouncement message contains the mass of waste intended to be shipped according to the notifier. A MovementAnnouncement message MUST NOT contain the received mass of waste, such as the mass determined at the end of a shipment via a weighbridge. This applies to all MovementAnnouncement message EDI, independent of the point in time at which the EDI transmission occurs - before, during or after the shipment (note that under regular circumstances parties conduct MovementAnnouncement message EDI before the shipment only, but not during or after the shipment). Likewise, this applies to both initial EDI transmissions and update transmissions of MovementAnnouncement messages. With WasteX, it is only messages of type ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt that contain the "received mass of waste". In particular, when a notifier eventually learns about the received mass of waste for a shipment, such as by the consignee's or facility's dissemination of a WasteX ConfirmationOfWasteReceiptMessage, the notifier MUST NOT disseminate an updated MovementAnnouncement message in which it replaces the "mass of waste intended to be shipped" with the "received mass of waste". Example: A notifier intends to ship 20t of waste in a single shipment, and announces this with a MovementAnnouncement message. A facility receives 17t of waste for that shipment, and dissmeninates this information with a ConfirmationOfWasteReceiptMessage. The notifier MUST NOT disseminate an updated MovementAnnouncement message which updates/corrects the mast of waste to be shipped from 20t to 17t. Note 3: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R207 automatically triggers a warning if the total mass of waste announced/received exceeds the total mass of waste notified/consented, and 🠖R530 and 🠖R557 automatically trigger an error if the waste mass value is negative or zero respectively. Example value: NumericValue »20« with @unitID attribute »t« and QuantificationTypeID »E« for "Estimated" |
WasteVolume | 0..1 | The volume of waste to be shipped. UN03000215 Note 1: Corresponds to block 5 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: Compare notes on WasteMass: This element contains the volume of waste intended to be shipped according to the notifier. It MUST NOT contain the received volume of waste. This also applies to the transmission of MovementAnnouncement message updates. Note 3: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R837 automatically triggers a warning if the total volume of waste announced/received exceeds the total volume of waste notified/consented. Example value: NumericValue »55« with @unitID attribute »m3« and QuantificationTypeID »C« for "Calculated" |
PackageCount | 0..1 | The total number of packages in the specified shipment of waste. UN01005138 Note 1: Corresponds to block 7 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R837 automatically triggers a warning if the MovementAnnouncement message lacks the total number of packages. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »20« |
PackageTypeID | 0..16 | The types of packages used in the specified shipment of waste (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 6524). UN01005139 Note 1: Corresponds to block 7 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: Each movement announcement MUST contain package type information. See formal validation 🠖R378. Note 3: Each package type MUST NOT occur more than once within a single movement announcement message. See formal validation 🠖R519. Note 4: The WasteX movement announcement data format does NOT contain a package description on purpose. The notification rather than the movement announcement shall contain detailed information on package types, especially with "other" package types. In case there is a need for additional package information in relation to the individual shipment, the WasteX movement announcement message Remark element shall carry such information. Note 5: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R479 automatically rejects a received user message if a package type is not among the notified and consented package types according to the notification/consent data at the validating EDI node. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
StartDate | 0..1 | The day at which the shipment will start/depart according to the notifier's plans. UN03000223 Note 1: Corresponds to block 6 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: Each movement announcement MUST contain a start date. See formal validation 🠖R439. Note 3: This identifies the LOCAL departure date at the departure location. Note 4: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R158 and 🠖R576 automatically trigger a warning if the shipment start date is not within the consented shipment period according to the corresponding notification/consent data at the validating EDI node. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »2022-10-31« |
TransportMovement | 0..256 | The transport movements for the shipment of waste, with information on the carriers. UN03000226 Note 1: Corresponds to block 8 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: Each movement announcement MUST contain data on carriers. See formal validation 🠖R798. Note 3: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R732 automatically triggers a warning for every combination of carrier and transport mode in the movement announcement not consented according to the corresponding notification/consent data at the validating EDI node. |
NationalRoute | 0..128 | Countries with their points of entry and points of exit for the shipment of waste. UN03000238 Note 1: As required by Annex II, Part 2 (5) of the WSR. Note 2: In the movement announcement there must NOT be more than one entry point per country, whereas the notification MAY contain multiple entry points for one country. For each shipment, the entry point contained in the movement announcement shall be one of the entry points contained in the notification, see 🠖R241. The same applies to exit points, see 🠖R526. Note 3: The order of entries must reflect the order of traversing the countries. In particular, the first entry must be for the country of dispatch, and the last entry for the country of destination. Note 4: For countries of transit and the country of destination, the movement announcement message MUST contain point of entry information, whereas it MUST NOT contain point of entry information for the country of dispatch. See formal validation 🠖R686 and 🠖R606. Likeweise, for countries of dispatch and countries of transit the movement announcement message MUST contain point of exit information, whereas it MUST NOT contain point of exit information for the country of destination. See formal validation 🠖R705 and 🠖R959. Note 5: The names of point of exit/entry must be specified such that the combination of point of exit from one country and the point of entry from the subsequent country uniquely identifies a border-crossing. Note 6: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R824 automatically rejects a movement announcement if it refers to a country which the corresponding notification/consent data at the validating EDI node does not list as country of dispatch/transit/destination, and validation 🠖R446 automatically rejects a movement announcement if two consecutive countries are identical. Example: Country »040« (AT, Austria) with point of exit »Kufstein« and subsequent country »276« (DE, Germany) with point of entry »Kiefersfelden«. |
Remark | 0..1 | A remark by the originator/creator of this waste shipment announcement related information. Note 1: Corresponds largely to block 16 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: It is on purpose that the WasteX message format does NOT support providing language metdata, such as ISO 639 language codes like »en« for English or »de« for German. With WasteX EDI, parties must provide natural language information in a single language appropriate for all the other parties related to the shipment, economic operators and competent authorities. If a waste shipment passes through different language areas, then in many cases competent authorities expect waste shipment parties to provide textual information in English. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »Multimodal - rail from Verona to Leipzig.« |
MovementAnnouncement usage occurrences: WasteMovementUserMessage
Status of the announcement of an individual shipment of waste, in accordance with Article 16(b) of the WSR ("prior information regarding actual start of shipment"). With a MovementAnnouncementStatus message, a party (notifier) informs about the CANCELLATION of a previously announced shipment of waste.
Note: Parties can NOT undo cancellations via WasteX EDI. See the WasteX specification PDF, in particular the "regular data operations principle", for the reasoning behind this WasteX EDI design.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
AnnouncementIdentity | 1..1 | A tuple of identifiers by which the notifier announces/announced the individual shipment of waste to competent authorities. Pursuant to the WSR, this tuple consists of (a) the notification number identifying the notification and consent(s), and (b) a serial number. The notifier uses serial number 1 for the first individual shipment of waste announced for a specific notification/consent, and increments the serial number for each subsequent announced shipment of waste under the same consent. Note: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R688 automatically triggers a warning if the validating EDI node does not have a movement announcement in its database for the combination of notification number and serial number. |
StatusID | 1..1 | The status of the movement announcement. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
Remark | 0..1 | A remark by the originator/creator of this waste shipment announcement status related information. Note 1: This would typically contain an explanation of the reasons for a cancellation. Note 2: It is on purpose that the WasteX message format does NOT support providing language metdata, such as ISO 639 language codes like »en« for English or »de« for German. With WasteX EDI, parties must provide natural language information in a single language appropriate for all the other parties related to the shipment, economic operators and competent authorities. If a waste shipment passes through different language areas, then in many cases competent authorities expect waste shipment parties to provide textual information in English. |
MovementAnnouncementStatus usage occurrences: WasteMovementUserMessage
Carrier's confirmation of taking charge of a shipment of waste, in accordance with Article 16 of the WSR, as well as Annex IB block 8 and Annex IC paragraphs 6 and 32.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
AnnouncementIdentity | 1..1 | Identification of shipment of waste by notification number and serial number of the announcement. Note: The carrier confirms taking charge of one specific shipment of waste that has previously been announced by the notifier. |
CarrierConfirmationUUID | 1..1 | A Version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) in canonical representation, identifying the carrier's confirmation. Note 1: For a single shipment of waste (under one notification number and one serial number), one carrier may cover multiple transport legs, even with the same mode of transport. This means that there can be multiple carrier confirmations by a single carrier for a single shipment of waste. Whether a transmitted carrier confirmation is an additional confirmation, or an update to a previously transmitted confirmation, is determined by the carrier confirmation UUID (same UUID: update; different UUID: additional confirmation). Note 2: The notification number and serial number used in combination with a Carrier Confirmation UUID is fixed (frozen) with the first Carrier Confirmation containing this combination of IDs. Subsequently, the Carrier Confirmation UUID cannot be used with a different notification number or a different serial number. Note 3: Software with a role in WasteX EDI shall NOT display this information to regular users, and must not let regular users edit this information. The set of supported lexical representations and values: Character strings that are a canonical representation of a version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Note that each such character string consists of exactly 36 characters. Any character string of a length other than 36 is hence not one of the supported values. Example value: »5e7d1d2e-d896-4f49-914a-31850e5195aa« |
CarrierPartyID | 1..1 | The carrier taking charge of the shipment of waste. UN03000313 Note 1: Corresponds to block 8 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: The carrier must correspond to a carrier specified in the notification and in the movement announcement. |
TransportModeID | 0..1 | The mode of transport used by the carrier for moving the shipment of waste (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 8149). UN03000312 Note: Corresponds to block 8 of Annex IB WSR. Referred to as "means of transport" in the WSR. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
TransportMeansID | 0..1 | An identification number from the registration of the transport means used by the carrier for moving the shipment of waste. Example: Identifier from the license plate of a truck. Note: The WSR does not require transport means IDs to be specified. |
Date | 0..1 | The day at which the carrier took charge of the shipment of waste. Note: Corresponds to block 8 of Annex IB WSR. Referred to as "date of transfer" in the WSR. |
Remark | 0..1 | A remark by the originator/creator of this confirmation, i.e., by the carrier. Note 1: Corresponds largely to block 16 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: It is on purpose that the WasteX message format does NOT support providing language metdata, such as ISO 639 language codes like »en« for English or »de« for German. With WasteX EDI, parties must provide natural language information in a single language appropriate for all the other parties related to the shipment, economic operators and competent authorities. If a waste shipment passes through different language areas, then in many cases competent authorities expect waste shipment parties to provide textual information in English. |
CarrierConfirmation usage occurrences: WasteMovementUserMessage
Confirmation of the receipt of waste, in accordance with Article 16(d) or Article 15(c) of the WSR.
Note: Corresponds largely to WSR Annex IB Block 18 or Block 17 in the case of confirmation by a consignee that is not a disposal/recovery facility.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
AnnouncementIdentity | 1..1 | Identification of the shipment announcement to which the waste receipt confirmation refers. Note: The recipient confirms the receipt of one specific shipment of waste that has previously been announced by the notifier. |
ReceiverPartySite | 1..1 | Party by which the waste shipment was received and, for receipt at treatment facilities, site at which the waste shipment was received. |
ReceiptDate | 0..1 | The day at which the shipped waste arrived at the recipient, i.e. at which the recipient took charge of the shipped waste. UN01005199 Note: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R047 automatically rejects a confirmation of waste receipt lacking a date of receipt. |
ReceivedWasteMass | 0..1 | The mass of waste received for the specified shipment. UN01005202 Note: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R489 automatically rejects a confirmation of waste receipt lacking the mass of received waste. |
ReceivedWasteVolume | 0..1 | The volume of waste received for the specified shipment. UN01005203 |
RejectionIndicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the received waste is rejected by the recipient. UN01005200 Note: This indication is expected to be set to true for full rejection only. Partial rejection cannot be expressed with structured data in this data format, but rather needs to be described through natural language text - see Remark element. |
PlannedTreatmentCompletionDate | 0..1 | The day at which the treatment (recovery or disposal) of waste is expected to be completed at the treatment facility that received the waste. UN01005181 Note 1: If only an interim treatment operation is applied at the facility, this date refers to the completion of the interim treatment, but not to the completion of subsequent treatment operations. Note 2: In both of the following two cases the data instance is expected to NOT contain the date at which the treatment is expected to be completed: 1. The recipt of waste is confirmed by a party other than a waste treatment facility 2. The recipient expresses full rejection of the received waste by providing a RejectionIndicator set to true. |
Remark | 0..1 | A remark by the originator/creator of this receipt of waste information on the receipt of waste. Note 1: Corresponds largely to block 16 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: It is on purpose that the WasteX message format does NOT support providing language metdata, such as ISO 639 language codes like »en« for English or »de« for German. With WasteX EDI, parties must provide natural language information in a single language appropriate for all the other parties related to the shipment, economic operators and competent authorities. If a waste shipment passes through different language areas, then in many cases competent authorities expect waste shipment parties to provide textual information in English. |
ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt usage occurrences: WasteMovementUserMessage
Confirmation of the completion of treatment of waste, in accordance with Article 16(e), Article 15(e) or Article 15(d) of the WSR.
Note: Corresponds largely to WSR Annex IB Block 19.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
AnnouncementIdentity | 0..1 | Identification of the shipment announcement to which the waste treatment confirmation refers. Note: The facility confirms the treatment of one specific shipment of waste that has previously been announced by the notifier. |
TreatmentPartySite | 0..1 | The treatment party and site most relevant with respect to the described treatment of the shipped waste. Note 1: For the confirmation of the completion of treatment for a shipment NOT entailing subsequent treatment, pursuant to WSR Art. 16(e), this must be the one treatment party and site specified in the notification. Note 2: For the confirmation of the completion of an interim treatment, pursuant to WSR Art. 15(d), this must be the treatment party and site that has carried out the interim treatment. Note 3: For the confirmation of the completion of the entire treatment in the country of destination, pursuant to WSR Art. 15(e), this should typically be the party and site carrying out the first non-interim treatment. |
ScopeID | 1..1 | The scope of the waste treatment confirmed for the specified shipment of waste: The set of supported lexical representations and values:
Note 1: For Art. 15(e), »ENTIRE« refers to the certification described in Annex 4 Paragraph 5 of the Correspondents' Guidelines No 3: "Once the interim disposal or recovery facility has obtained the last certificate(s) from a subsequent non-interim facility, it is to certify the following: “The non-interim disposal or recovery of the waste shipped under the notification referred to in block 1 and the shipment(s) referred to in block 2 and delivered for subsequent interim or non-interim recovery or disposal in the country of destination has been completed.”" Note 2: The WasteX protocol does NOT support the exchange of information on the completion of the treatment of waste at INDIVDUAL subsequent treatment facilities. |
TreatmentCompletionDate | 0..1 | The day at which the described treatment (recovery or disposal) of the waste from the specified shipment has been completed. UN01005144 Note: Depending on the scope of the described treatment, as indicated in the ScopeID element, this is either (a) the date at which the entire treatment in the country of destination has been completed, or (b) the date at which the treatment at a single treatment facility has been completed, without taking any subsequent treatment into account. |
Remark | 0..1 | A remark by the originator/creator of this treatment of waste related information. Note 1: Corresponds largely to block 16 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: It is on purpose that the WasteX message format does NOT support providing language metdata, such as ISO 639 language codes like »en« for English or »de« for German. With WasteX EDI, parties must provide natural language information in a single language appropriate for all the other parties related to the shipment, economic operators and competent authorities. If a waste shipment passes through different language areas, then in many cases competent authorities expect waste shipment parties to provide textual information in English. |
ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment usage occurrences: WasteMovementUserMessage
Identification of a movement announcement, consisting of notification number and serial number.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
NotificationID | 1..1 | The identifier of the notification/consent as assigned by the competent authority of dispatch. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »AT 034567« |
SequenceNumberID | 1..1 | The serial number (sequential number) of the announced shipment for the specified notification. Example: Serial number 1 must be assigned to the first shipment announcement for a specific notification, serial number 2 to the second announced shipment, etc. Supported lexical representations and values:
Note: Even though this element uses solely xs:integer compliant lexical presentations, the base for this element is xs:string, so that it is simple for software to remain in control over the actual lexical representation generated at message creation (marshalling). Example value: »17« |
AnnouncementIdentity usage occurrences: CarrierConfirmation, ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment, MovementAnnouncement, MovementAnnouncementStatus, WasteMovementSignalMessage
Information on a carrier.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
PartyID | 0..1 | The WasteX relevant ID of the economic operator. |
RecipientSpecificPartyID | 0..1 | An ID of the economic operator specific to the message transmission recipient. Note: For the edm.gv.at web service, this is the GLN used as main party identifier in edm.gv.at. |
PartyName | 1..1 | The economic operator's name, such as the registered company name. |
PartyAddressText | 0..1 | The registered office address of the economic operator, provided as single string. Example: "Saatwinkler Damm 42/43, 13627 Berlin, Germany" |
TransportModeID | 0..5 | The modes of transport consented for this carrier (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 8149). The set of supported lexical representations and values:
CarrierEconomicOperator usage occurrences: LatestNotification
A list of countries identified by ISO 3166-1 3-digit codes.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ListElement | 0..512 | An element of the list of countries. |
CountryList usage occurrences: ValidationNodeReferenceData
An entry in a reference list of country codes.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
CountryID | 1..1 | An ISO 3166-1 3-digit country code. Examples:
CountryTwoLetterID | 0..1 | The ISO 3166-1 two letter country code ("alpha-2"). Examples:
ValidityStartDate | 0..1 | The date at which the entry becomes valid, i.e., at which the country comes into existence according to ISO 3166-1. Note: The ValidityStartDate MUST be omitted for entries to which no start of validity is recorded. |
ValidityEndDate | 0..1 | The date at which the entry becomes invalid, i.e., at which the country ceases to exist according to ISO 3166-1. Note: The ValidityEndDate MUST be omitted for entries to which no end of validity is recorded. |
CountryListElement usage occurrences: CountryList
Identification of parties which use a specific registered database instance.
Note: This is intended to be used as an "allow list" for EDI. Operators of EDI node A send such a list to operators of another EDI node B, so that EDI node B can accept EDI node A to "represent" certain parties.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
DatabaseInstanceRegistrationID | 1..1 | An identifier by which the database instance is registered at other EDI nodes. |
PartyID | 1..16384 | Identification of parties using the specified database instance. |
DatabaseInstancePartyList usage occurrences: DatabaseInstancePartyCollection
A competent authorities' decision about an intended shipment of waste, in accordance with Article 9 of the WSR.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
NotificationID | 1..1 | The identifier of the notification on intended shipments of waste to which this decision refers. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »AT 034567« |
AuthorityPartyID | 1..1 | Identification of the competent authority for shipments of waste that took this decision. Note: The registerID attribute must be set to »EUDIN«, and the ID must match one of the entries of the EUDIN ↗codelist 8630 of competent authorities. Example: »CH-001« for the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment. |
DecisionDate | 0..1 | The date at which the competent authority decided over the notified waste shipments. |
ConsentValidFromDate | 0..1 | For a consent, the date from which the consent is valid (first day of validity). Note: For use with consents. For objections, there is no ConsentValidFromDate. |
ConsentValidToDate | 0..1 | For a consent, the date up to which the consent is valid (last day of validity). Note: For use with consents. For objections, there is no ConsentValidToDate. |
AnnouncementEaseIndicator | 0..1 | An indication of whether or not the competent authority agrees to a simplified handling of movement announcements for the notification. "true" stands for the authority accepting simplified handling. Under a simplified handling, competent authorities accept the transmission of movement announcements up until the start of the shipment rather than up until 3 or 1 working days prior to the shipment. Pseudo-SQL: select case when ANNOUNCEMENT_EASE_INDICATOR from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
Decision usage occurrences: WasteMovementUserMessage
Information on an economic operator.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
PartyID | 0..1 | The WasteX relevant ID of the economic operator. |
RecipientSpecificPartyID | 0..1 | An ID of the economic operator specific to the message transmission recipient. Note: For the edm.gv.at web service, this is the GLN used as main party identifier in edm.gv.at. |
PartyName | 1..1 | The economic operator's name, such as the registered company name. |
PartyAddressText | 0..1 | The registered office address of the economic operator, provided as single string. Example: "Saatwinkler Damm 42/43, 13627 Berlin, Germany" |
EconomicOperator usage occurrences: LatestNotification
Information on an economic operator in combination with a site.
Note: Site is either a waste production site or a waste treatment site.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
PartyID | 0..1 | The WasteX relevant ID of the economic operator. |
RecipientSpecificPartyID | 0..1 | An ID of the economic operator specific to the message transmission recipient. Note: For the edm.gv.at web service, this is the GLN used as main party identifier in edm.gv.at. |
PartyName | 1..1 | The economic operator's name, such as the registered company name. |
PartyAddressText | 0..1 | The registered office address of the economic operator, provided as single string. Example: "Saatwinkler Damm 42/43, 13627 Berlin, Germany" |
SitePostalAreaID | 1..1 | The post code of the area within which the site is located. Example: "13627" |
SiteName | 0..1 | The name of the site. |
SiteAddressText | 0..1 | The site address, provided as single string. Example: "Saatwinkler Damm 42/43, 13627 Berlin, Germany" |
EconomicOperatorSite usage occurrences: LatestNotification
Identification of an economic operator in combination with a site.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
PartyID | 1..1 | An identification of the party. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »DE140462045« in combination with @registerID attribute »VAT.EU« for the identification of company »P-D Industriegesellschaft mbH, Wilsdruffer Straße 11, 01723 Wilsdruff, Germany« |
SitePostalAreaID | 0..1 | The post code of the area within which the site is located. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »02699« for a »P-D Industriegesellschaft mbH« site located in »Wetro-Siedlung 13-22, 02699 Puschwitz, Germany« |
EconomicOperatorSiteIdentity usage occurrences: ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment, MovementAnnouncement, Notification
Results of the formal validation of a WasteX user message in Schematron Validation Report Language format.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
svrl:schematron-output svrl:schematron-output | 1..1 | Results of the formal validation of a WasteX user message in Schematron Validation Report Language format. Note: SVRL supports rich text formatting in validation report texts (svrl:text elements), e.g. emph elements to highlight certain words in the text. The WasteX EDI protocol does NOT make use of such rich text formatting, i.e. all validation report texts are plain text without markup. For this reason, and to simplify the implementation of WasteX EDI, WasteX uses an svrl.xsd Schema Definition adapted in order to NOT support rich text markup. |
FormalValidationReport usage occurrences: WasteMovementSignalMessage
Latest carrier confirmation available at the EDI node for the notification number, serial number and carrier confirmation UUID referred to in the validation context message.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
TransportModeID | 0..1 | The mode of transport used by the carrier for moving the shipment of waste (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 8149). UN03000312 Note: Corresponds to block 8 of Annex IB WSR. Referred to as "means of transport" in the WSR. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
Pseudo-SQL: select TRANSPORT_MODE_ID from CARRIER_CONFIRMATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and CONFIRMATION_UUID=msg.CarrierConfirmationUUID |
Date | 0..1 | The day at which the carrier took charge of the shipment of waste. Note: Corresponds to block 8 of Annex IB WSR. Referred to as "date of transfer" in the WSR. Pseudo-SQL: select DATE from CARRIER_CONFIRMATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and CONFIRMATION_UUID=msg.CarrierConfirmationUUID |
LatestCarrierConfirmation usage occurrences: ValidationNodeIndividualData
Latest confirmation of waste receipt information available at the EDI node for the notification number and serial number referred to in the validation context message.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ReceiptDate | 0..1 | The day at which the shipped waste arrived at the recipient, as specified in the confirmation of waste receipt with the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Pseudo-SQL: select RECEIPT_DATE from CONFIRMATION_OF_RECEIPT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
ReceivedWasteMass | 0..1 | The mass of waste received, as specified in the confirmation of waste receipt with the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Pseudo-SQL: select RECEIVED_WASTE_MASS from CONFIRMATION_OF_RECEIPT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
ReceivedWasteVolume | 0..1 | The volume of waste received, as specified in the confirmation of waste receipt with the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Pseudo-SQL: select RECEIVED_WASTE_VOLUME from CONFIRMATION_OF_RECEIPT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
RejectionIndicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the received waste is rejected by the recipient, as specified in the confirmation of waste receipt with the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Pseudo-SQL: select REJECTION_INDICATOR from CONFIRMATION_OF_RECEIPT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
PlannedTreatmentCompletionDate | 0..1 | The day at which the treatment (recovery or disposal) of waste is expected to be completed at the treatment facility that received the waste, as specified in the confirmation of waste receipt with the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Pseudo-SQL: select TREATMENT_COMPLETION_DATE from CONFIRMATION_OF_RECEIPT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
LatestConfirmationOfWasteReceipt usage occurrences: ValidationNodeIndividualData
Latest confirmation of waste treatment information available at the EDI node for the notification number and serial number referred to in the validation context message.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
TreatmentCompletionDate | 0..1 | The day at which the treatment (recovery or disposal) of the waste has been completed, as specified in the confirmation of waste treatment with the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Pseudo-SQL: select TREATMENT_COMPLETION_DATE from CONFIRMATION_OF_TREATMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and SCOPE_ID="ENTIRE"/"FACILITY" |
LatestConfirmationOfWasteTreatment usage occurrences: ValidationNodeIndividualData
Latest movement announcement information available at the EDI node for the notification number and serial number referred to in the validation context message.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
StatusID | 0..1 | The status of the movement announcement with the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Note: Status information recorded in the database at the EDI node must be mapped to one of the three values supported in this data format. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
Pseudo-SQL: select STATUS_ID from MOVEMENT_ANNOUNCEMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
WasteMass | 0..1 | The mass of waste to be shipped as specified in the movement announcement with the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Pseudo-SQL: select WASTE_MASS from MOVEMENT_ANNOUNCEMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
WasteVolume | 0..1 | The volume of waste to be shipped as specified in the movement announcement with the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Pseudo-SQL: select WASTE_VOLUME from MOVEMENT_ANNOUNCEMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
StartDate | 0..1 | The shipment start date specified in the movement announcement for the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Pseudo-SQL: select START_DATE from MOVEMENT_ANNOUNCEMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
TransportMovement | 0..256 | The transport movements specified in the movement announcement for the combination of notification number and serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Pseudo-SQL: select TRANSPORT_MOVEMENT from MOVEMENT_ANNOUNCEMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
LatestMovementAnnouncement usage occurrences: ValidationNodeIndividualData
Latest notification information available at the EDI node for the notification number referred to in the validation context message.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
MovementPermissionStatusIndicator | 0..1 | An indication of whether or not a status is recorded for the notification under which waste shipments are actually permitted. "true" stands for a status under which waste shipments can be conducted, if the conditions set by competent authorities are met. Pseudo-SQL: select case when EFFECTIVE_STATE in ('CONSENTED','TACIT_CONSENT') then 1 else 0 end as MOVEMENT_PERMISSION_STATUS from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID Example: A movement announcement may refer to a notification DE 123. The database at the EDI node receiving this message may actually contain information on a notification 123. The data on notification 123 in the database may however indicate a status in which shipments of waste are not permitted under the notification. The data may for example indicate that the notification has been submitted to CAs, but that there are not yet consents from all involved CAs. In such a case the MovementPermissionStatusIndicator will be set to false. |
ValidityStartDate | 0..1 | The start date of the period of validity for this notification, i.e., the first day at which shipments are permitted according to the authorities' consent. Note: Effective validity start date as derived from the individual CAs' consents, corresponding to block 20 of Annex IA WSR (»consent valid from«). Pseudo-SQL: select VALIDITY_START_DATE from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
ValidityEndDate | 0..1 | The end date of the period of validity for this notification, i.e., the last day at which shipments are permitted according to the authorities' consent. Note: Effective validity end date as derived from the individual CAs' consents, corresponding to block 20 of Annex IA WSR (»consent valid until«). Pseudo-SQL: select VALIDITY_END_DATE from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
WasteMass | 0..1 | The maximum amount of waste to be shipped (sum over all individual shipments) as consented by the authorities for the notification. Note: Corresponds to block 5 of Annex IA WSR. Pseudo-SQL: select WASTE_MASS from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
WasteVolume | 0..1 | The maximum total volume of waste to be shipped (sum over all individual shipments) consented by the authorities for the notification. Pseudo-SQL: select WASTE_VOLUME from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
PackageTypeID | 0..16 | The types of packages consented by the authorities for the notification (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 6524). Pseudo-SQL: select PACKAGE_TYPE_ID from NOTIFICATION_PACKAGE where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID The set of supported lexical representations and values:
MovementCount | 0..1 | The maximum total number of waste shipments as consented by the authorities in the notification. Note: Corresponds to block 4 of Annex IA WSR. Pseudo-SQL: select MOVEMENT_COUNT from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
Country | 0..128 | The consented countries of dispatch, transit and destination. Note: The first entry must identify the country of dispatch. That last entry must identify the country of destination. All other entries must identify transit countries. |
PartyIdentifierCompleteIndicator | 0..1 | An indication whether or not the following applies: In the database at the validating EDI node, for all parties from the notification/consent, the identifier required for matching party references from WasteX messages, such as VAT.EU, is available in the database. "true" stands for the availability of all identifiers, "false" stands for missing identifiers. Note 1: The validating EDI node shall set this to false if and only if it has to omit parties and/or party-site-combinations from the notification validation context (WasteProductionPartySite, NotifierParty, CarrierParty, ConsigneeParty, WasteTreatmentPartySite, SubsequentWasteTreatmentPartySite) due to missing WasteX relevant IDs. Note 2: This must only be filled by validating EDI nodes that require a matching with parties from the notification. PartyIdentifierCompleteIndicator set to "false" automatically leads to the rejection of transmitted WasteX messages, INDEPENDENT of whether or not individual look-ups (carrier, waste producer, etc.) fail. |
WasteProductionPartySite | 0..256 | The waste producers and waste production sites as specified in the notification. Note 1: Corresponds to block 9 of Annex IA and Annex IC, point 20 of the WSR: »If the waste has been produced by more than one producer, append a list providing the requested information for each producer«. Note 2: The combination of PartyID and SitePostalAreaID must be unique within all waste production party/sites. Pseudo-SQL: select distinct WASTE_PRODUCTION_PARTY_SITE from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
NotifierParty | 0..1 | The notifier as specified in the notification. Note: Corresponds to block 1 of Annex IA WSR. Pseudo-SQL: select NOTIFIER_PARTY from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
CarrierParty | 0..256 | The carriers as specified in the notification. Note: Corresponds to block 8 of Annex IA and Annex IC, point 19 of the WSR: »If more than one carrier is involved, append to the notification document a complete list giving the required information for each carrier«. Pseudo-SQL: select distinct CARRIER_PARTY from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
ConsigneeParty | 0..1 | The consignee as specified in the notification. Note: Corresponds to block 2 of Annex IA WSR. Pseudo-SQL: select CONSIGNEE_PARTY from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
WasteTreatmentPartySite | 0..1 | The waste treatment parties and waste treatment sites as specified in the notification. Note 1: Corresponds to block 10 of Annex IA WSR. Note 2: In case of treatment at subsequent facilities in the country of destination, this is the first interim treatment facility from which - after interim treatment - the waste is moved to subsequent treatment facilities. In cases without treatment at subsequent facilities this is the one (non-interim) facility from the notification in the country of destination. Note 3: The combination of PartyID and SitePostalAreaID must be unique within all waste treatment party/sites (both WasteTreatmentPartySite and SubsequentWasteTreatmentPartySite). Pseudo-SQL: select WASTE_TREATMENT_PARTY_SITE from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
SubsequentWasteTreatmentPartySite | 0..256 | Waste treatment parties and waste treatment sites at which subsequent treatment is carried out, as specified in the notification. Note 1: Corresponds to Annex IC, point 21 of the WSR: »In the case of subsequent treatment, information on the subsequent facility or facilities, where any subsequent interim treatment operation or operations takes or take place or may take place should be provided in an annex«. Note 2: The combination of PartyID and SitePostalAreaID must be unique within all waste treatment party/sites (both WasteTreatmentPartySite and SubsequentWasteTreatmentPartySite). Pseudo-SQL: select distinct SUBSEQUENT_WASTE_TREATMENT_PARTY_SITE from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
AnnouncementEaseIndicator | 0..1 | An indication of whether or not all competent authorities have agreed to a simplified handling of movement announcements for the notification. "true" stands for authorities accepting simplified handling. Under a simplified handling, competent authorities accept the transmission of movement announcements up until the start of the shipment rather than up until 3 or 1 working days prior to the shipment. Pseudo-SQL: select case when ANNOUNCEMENT_EASE_INDICATOR from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
LatestNotification usage occurrences: ValidationNodeIndividualData
Details on a single transport movement, such as carrier and mode of transport.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
CarrierPartyID | 0..1 | The WasteX relevant ID of the carrier conducting the transport movement. UN03000313 Note 1: Corresponds to block 8 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R521 automatically rejects a received user message if a carrier party is not among the notified and consented carriers according to the corresponding notification/consent data at the validating EDI node. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »DE188158403« in combination with @registerID attribute »VAT.EU« for the identification of carrier »DB Cargo AG, Rheinstraße 2, 55116 Mainz, Germany« |
RecipientSpecificCarrierPartyID | 0..1 | A carrier ID specific to the message transmission recipient. Note: For the edm.gv.at web service, this is the GLN used as main party identifier in edm.gv.at. |
TransportModeID | 0..1 | The mode of transport for this transport movement (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 8149). UN03000312 Note 1: According to the WSR the carriers provide mode of transport information. The WasteX message format makes it however possible that the notifier provides mode of transport information in advance. Note 2: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R732 automatically triggers a warning if a combination of carrier party and transport mode is not among the notified and consented carrier and transport mode combinations according to the corresponding notification/consent data at the validating EDI node. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
LatestTransportMovement usage occurrences: LatestMovementAnnouncement
A mass value assignment statement, e.g. "has a mass of 20t".
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
NumericValue | 1..1 | The mass expressed as a numeric value in combination with a unit in attribute @unitID, e.g. "20t". Note 1: Due to the use of a numeric data type, the precision/uncertainty of results (significant digits) CANNOT be expressed via the notation of the numeric value. For example, the two literals 30.00 and 30.0 are interpreted as the same numerical value. Supported lexical representations and values for the NumericValue content:
Example value: »20.1« Note 2: A case sensitive ISO/UCUM code identifies the unit in attribute @unitID, e.g. "t". See EUDIN ↗codelist 9184. The set of supported values for attribute @unitID:
QuantificationTypeID | 0..1 | The type of quantification used for determining the waste mass (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 7299). The set of supported lexical representations and values:
MassValueAssignmentStatement usage occurrences: ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, LatestConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, LatestMovementAnnouncement, MovementAnnouncement, Notification
Details on the section of a transport route within a particular country.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
CountryID | 1..1 | The country within which this route section lies, identified by an ISO 3166-1 3-digit code. UN01005197 Note 1: EUDIN ↗codelist 3862, which reproduces the entries of ISO 3166-1, defines the set of supported values. Note 2: The WasteX specification uses the ↗codelist 3862 dynamically. This means that developers must prepare software reading and writing WasteX compliant data instances for changes in the codelist, especially the addition of entries, independent of any changes to the WasteX message format. The latest version of the EUDIN ↗codelist 3862 is available from edm.gv.at and through a codelist web service. See the WasteX specification PDF for more details. Note 3: The WasteX specification uses ISO 3166-1 3-digit codes instead of the more commonly known two-letter codes as ISO ascertains uniqueness over longer periods of time, such as multiple years, only for the 3-digit codes. Such uniqueness does not in all cases apply to two-letter codes. For example, ISO has assigned the two-letter code CS to both Czechoslovakia (until 1993) and to Serbia and Montenegro (from 2003 to 2006). Note 4: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R824 automatically rejects a movement announcement if it refers to a country which the corresponding notification/consent data at the validating EDI node does not list as country of dispatch/transit/destination. Example value: »276« for Germany. |
EntryPointName | 0..1 | The name of the point of entry into the country specified in CountryID. UN01005160/UN01005223 Note: The message MUST contain point of entry information for countries of transit and country of destination, and MUST NOT contain point of entry information for the country of dispatch. See formal validation 🠖R686 and 🠖R606. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »Kiefersfelden« |
ExitPointName | 0..1 | The name of the point of exit from the country specified in CountryID. UN01005161/UN01005223 Note: The message MUST contain point of exit information for the country of dispatch and countries of transit, and MUST NOT contain point of exit information for the country of destination. See formal validation 🠖R705 and 🠖R959. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »Kufstein« |
NationalRoute usage occurrences: MovementAnnouncement
Details of a notification/consent on a particular country (country of dispatch, transit or destination).
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
CountryID | 1..1 | The country identified by an ISO 3166-1 3-digit code. Example: Code "276" for Germany. Note: The set of supported values is defined by EUDIN ↗codelist 3862, which reproduces the entries of ISO 3166-1. |
EntryPointName | 0..32 | The names of points of entry into the respective country. Note: For the country of dispatch there is no point of entry. |
ExitPointName | 0..32 | The names of points of exit from the respective country. Note: For the country of destination there is no point of exit. |
NotificationCountry usage occurrences: LatestNotification, Notification
Prior written notification about intended shipments of waste, in accordance with Article 4 of the WSR.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
NotificationID | 1..1 | The identifier of the notification/consent as assigned by the competent authority of dispatch. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »AT 034567« |
FirstStartDate | 0..1 | The start date of the first intended shipment of waste under this notification. Note: Corresponds to block 6 of Annex IA WSR. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »2022-10-31« |
LastStartDate | 0..1 | The start date of the last intended shipment of waste under this notification. Note: Corresponds to block 6 of Annex IA WSR. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »2023-10-31« |
TotalWasteMass | 0..1 | The total intended mass of waste intended to be shipped under this notification. Note: Corresponds to block 5 of Annex IA WSR. Example value: NumericValue »200« with @unitID attribute »t« and QuantificationTypeID »E« for "Estimated" |
TotalWasteVolume | 0..1 | The total intended volume of waste intended to be shipped under this notification. Note 1: Corresponds to block 5 of Annex IA WSR. Note 2: For shipments within the EU, only the mass of waste in tonnes ("t") is expected, whereas the volume of waste is not expected to be specified. Example value: NumericValue »550« with @unitID attribute »m3« and QuantificationTypeID »C« for "Calculated" |
WasteTypeID | 0..16 | Types of waste intended to be shipped, together with the identification of the waste classification in the registerID attribute. Note 1: Corresponds to block 14 of Annex IA WSR. Note 2: Use special waste type ID »NOT_IN_LIST« in combination with a specific waste classification registerID for expressing that the waste classification does not contain entries for the types of waste to be shipped. Examples:
PackageTypeID | 0..16 | The packaging types intended to be used for waste shipped under this notification (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 6524). Note: Corresponds to block 7 of Annex IA WSR. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
MovementCount | 0..1 | The total intended number of shipments under this notification. Note 1: Corresponds to block 4 of Annex IA WSR. Note 2: In practice this number typically takes into account the number of expected shipment announcement cancellations (serial shipment numbers that become "unused") Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »20« |
Country | 0..128 | The countries of dispatch, transit and destination for the intended shipments of waste, with points of entry and/or exit. Note 1: The order of Country elements is of relevance. The first entry identifies the country of dispatch. That last entry identifies the country of destination. All other entries (if any) identify transit countries. Note 2: Corresponds to block 15 of Annex IA WSR. |
WasteProductionPartySite | 0..256 | The producers/generators of the waste intended to be shipped, together with production site information. Note 1: Corresponds to block 9 of Annex IA WSR. Note 2: If one waste producer occurs with multiple production sites, there are multiple WasteProductionPartySite elements for that waste producer. Note 3: The order of WasteProductionPartySite elements is of relevance, and is the order in which the waste producers occur to users (in user interfaces, PDF exports, etc.). |
NotifierPartyID | 0..1 | The notifier, i.e., the party that submits the notification to the competent authority of dispatch in accordance with Article 4 of the WSR. Note: Corresponds to block 1 of Annex IA WSR. |
CarrierParty | 0..256 | Carriers of the intended shipments of waste, together with transport mode information. Note 1: Corresponds to block 8 of Annex IA WSR. Note 2: If one carrier occurs with multiple transport modes, there are multiple CarrierParty elements for that carrier. Note 3: The order of CarrierParty elements is of relevance, and is the order in which the carriers occur to users (in user interfaces, PDF exports, etc.). |
ConsigneePartyID | 0..1 | The consignee of the intended shipments of waste. Note: Corresponds to block 2 of Annex IA WSR. |
WasteTreatmentPartySite | 0..1 | The waste treatment party and waste treatment site for the intended shipments of waste. Note 1: Corresponds to block 10 of Annex IA WSR. Note 2: In case of treatment at subsequent facilities in the country of destination, this is the first interim treatment facility from which - after interim treatment - the waste is moved to subsequent treatment facilities. In cases without treatment at subsequent facilities this is the one (non-interim) treatment facility in the country of destination. |
SubsequentWasteTreatmentPartySite | 0..256 | The subsequent waste treatment parties and waste treatment site for the intended shipments of waste. Note 1: Corresponds to Annex IC, point 21 of the WSR: »In the case of subsequent treatment, information on the subsequent facility or facilities, where any subsequent treatment operation or operations takes or take place or may take place should be provided in an annex«. Note 2: If one treatment party occurs with multiple treatment sites, there are multiple SubsequentTreatmentPartySite elements for that treatment party. Note 3: The order of SubsequentTreatmentPartySite elements is of relevance, and is the order in which the treatment parties occur to users (in user interfaces, PDF exports, etc.). |
Remark | 0..1 | Remarks provided by the notifier on the intended shipments of waste. Note: It is on purpose that the WasteX message format does NOT support providing language metdata, such as ISO 639 language codes like »en« for English or »de« for German. With WasteX EDI, parties must provide natural language information in a single language appropriate for all the other parties related to the shipment, economic operators and competent authorities. If a waste shipment passes through different language areas, then in many cases competent authorities expect waste shipment parties to provide textual information in English. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »Multimodal - rail from Verona to Leipzig.« |
Party | 0..512 | Names, registered office addresses and potentially recipient specific IDs for the parties contained in the notification, such as waste producers and waste treatment parties (recovery or disposal parties). |
Notification usage occurrences: WasteMovementUserMessage
Name and office address of a party.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ID | 1..1 | The WasteX relevant ID of the economic operator. |
RecipientSpecificID | 0..1 | An ID of the economic operator specific to the message transmission recipient. Note: For the edm.gv.at web service, this is the GLN used as main party identifier in edm.gv.at. |
Name | 0..1 | The name of the party, such as company name. |
RegisteredOfficeAddressCountryID | 0..1 | Identification of the country in which the economic operator has its (head) office, by means of a three-digit numeric ISO 3166-1 code. Example: Code 276 for Germany Note 1: The set of supported values is defined in EUDIN code list 3862, which reflects the entries of the ISO 3166-1 standard. Note 2: This is a DYNAMIC code list reference. This means that software reading and writing data instances of this data format must be prepared for changes in the code list, in particular the addition of entries, regardless of changes in the data format. The current version of the EDM code list 3862 can be retrieved from the website edm.gv.at as well as via a code list web service. Note 3: Instead of the more familiar two-digit letter codes, the data format uses three-digit numeric ISO 3166-1 codes. The reason for this is that only the three-digit codes are guaranteed to be unique over longer periods of time, e.g. several years. For example, ISO has assigned the letter code CS to both Czechoslovakia (until 1993) and Serbia and Montenegro (from 2003 to 2006). |
RegisteredOfficeAddressPostalAreaID | 0..1 | Postcode of the economic operator's registered head office address. |
RegisteredOfficeAddressCityName | 0..1 | The name of the city within which the economic operator has its registered head office. |
Party usage occurrences: Notification
Details on a single transport movement, such as carrier and mode of transport.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
CarrierPartyID | 0..1 | The WasteX relevant ID of the carrier conducting the transport movement. UN03000313 Note 1: Corresponds to block 8 of Annex IB WSR. Note 2: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R521 automatically rejects a received user message if a carrier party is not among the notified and consented carriers according to the corresponding notification/consent data at the validating EDI node. Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »DE188158403« in combination with @registerID attribute »VAT.EU« for the identification of carrier »DB Cargo AG, Rheinstraße 2, 55116 Mainz, Germany« |
TransportModeID | 0..1 | The mode of transport for this transport movement (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 8149). UN03000312 Note 1: According to the WSR the carriers provide mode of transport information. The WasteX message format makes it however possible that the notifier provides mode of transport information in advance. Note 2: This message element is subject to WasteX formal validation. For example, validation 🠖R732 automatically triggers a warning if a combination of carrier party and transport mode is not among the notified and consented carrier and transport mode combinations according to the corresponding notification/consent data at the validating EDI node. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
TransportMovement usage occurrences: MovementAnnouncement, Notification
An aggregation of record CHANGES that occurred at an EDI node database.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ShipmentRecordContentUpdateCount | 0..1 | The number of record content updates (not counting record entry and record status updates) in the EDI node database, prior to the receipt of the new message (contained in the validation context), for the combination of the following: 1. notification number EQUAL to that of the message in the validation context 2. serial number EQUAL to that of the message in the validation context 3. type of content EQUAL to that of the validation context message (see also the note below on status update messages) Note 1: For newly received status update messages, this element must be filled for the underlying content message type. For example, for a newly received "MovementAnnouncementStatus" message, this element must be filled for "MovementAnnouncement" records. See also the pseudo SQL below. Analogously, the EDI node must interpret/log status updates as interactions on records of the underlying content type. Note 2: This aggregation must take into account ALL records matching the above criteria, independent of entry through data interface or GUI, and independent of origin. Pseudo-SQL: select COUNT(*) from RECORD_CHANGE_LOG where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and INTERACTION_TYPE_ID="content_update" and RECORD_TYPE_ID=replace(local-name(//MessageCreationPartyID/following-sibling::*),'Status','') |
ShipmentRecordEarliestUTCTimestamp | 0..1 | The timestamp of the earliest record interaction (initial entry) at the EDI node database, prior to the receipt of the new message, for records with a combination of the following: a. notification number EQUAL to that of the message in the validation context b. serial number EQUAL to that of the message in the validation context c. type of content EQUAL to that of the validation context message (see also the note below on status update messages) Note 1: For newly received status update messages, this element must be filled for the underlying content message type. For example, for a newly received "MovementAnnouncementStatus" message, this element must be filled for "MovementAnnouncement" records. See also the pseudo SQL below. Analogously, the EDI node must interpret/log status updates as interactions on records of the underlying content type. Note 2: This aggregation must take into account ALL records matching the above criteria, independent of entry through data interface or GUI, and independent of origin. Pseudo-SQL (assuming logging of record entries/updates in the EDI node DB): select min(UTCTIMESTAMP) from RECORD_CHANGE_LOG where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and CONTENT_TYPE_ID=replace(local-name(//MessageCreationPartyID/following-sibling::*),'Status','') Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »2022-04-21T11:01:35.524380Z« |
ShipmentRecordLatestUTCTimestamp | 0..1 | The timestamp of the latest record interaction (latest update, or initial entry if there are no updates) at the EDI node database, prior to the receipt of the new message, for records with a combination of the following: a. notification number EQUAL to that of the message in the validation context b. serial number EQUAL to that of the message in the validation context c. type of content EQUAL to that of the validation context message (see also the note below on status update messages) Note 1: For newly received status update messages, this element must be filled for the underlying content message type. For example, for a newly received "MovementAnnouncementStatus" message, this element must be filled for "MovementAnnouncement" records. See also the pseudo SQL below. Analogously, the EDI node must interpret/log status updates as interactions on records of the underlying content type. Note 2: This aggregation must take into account ALL records matching the above criteria, independent of entry through data interface or GUI, and independent of origin. Note 3: If there is exactly one record interaction (initial entry) that matches the criteria listed above, then the records' latest timestamp equals the earliest timestamp. Pseudo-SQL: select max(UTCTIMESTAMP) from RECORD_CHANGE_LOG where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and CONTENT_TYPE_ID=replace(local-name(//MessageCreationPartyID/following-sibling::*),'Status','') Supported lexical representations and values:
Example value: »2022-10-25T11:01:35.524380Z« |
SoftwareProductInteractionCount | 0..1 | The number of EDI node interactions to which ALL of the following applies: 1. The interaction is by an external EDI node, and the software product part of that EDI node's ID EQUALS that of the EDI node that submitted the message contained in the validation context 2. The content type, such as movement announcement, EQUALS that of the message contained in the validation context (see also the note below on status update messages) 3. The interaction timestamp is greater than or equal to the receipt timestamp of the validation context message minus 60 days Note 1: For newly received status update messages, this element must be filled for the underlying content message type. For example, for a newly received "MovementAnnouncementStatus" message, this element must be filled for "MovementAnnouncement" records. See also the pseudo SQL below. Analogously, the EDI node must interpret/log status updates as interactions on records of the underlying content type. Note 2: This aggregation must take into account ALL record interactions matching the above criteria, independent of origin party, notification number and serial number. Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from RECORD_CHANGE_LOG where CONTENT_TYPE_ID=replace(local-name(//MessageCreationPartyID/following-sibling::*),'Status','') and substr(EDI_NODE_ID,1,instr(EDI_NODE_ID,'.')-1)=substring-before(InteractingEDINodeID,'.') AND UTCTIMESTAMP>=adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(current-dateTime(), xs:dayTimeDuration('PT0H'))-xs:dayTimeDuration('P60D') |
SoftwareProductContentUpdateCount | 0..1 | This content of this element is similarly defined as that of SoftwareProductInteractionCount. The sole difference: In contrast to SoftwareProductInteractionCount, rather than counting all interactions, SoftwareProductContentUpdateCount only counts interactions of type "content update". Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from RECORD_CHANGE_LOG where CONTENT_TYPE_ID=replace(local-name(//MessageCreationPartyID/following-sibling::*),'Status','') and substr(EDI_NODE_ID,1,instr(EDI_NODE_ID,'.')-1)=substring-before(InteractingEDINodeID,'.') AND UTCTIMESTAMP>=adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(current-dateTime(), xs:dayTimeDuration('PT0H'))-xs:dayTimeDuration('P60D') and INTERACTION_TYPE_ID="content_update" |
SoftwareProductStatusUpdateCount | 0..1 | This content of this element is similarly defined as that of SoftwareProductInteractionCount. The sole difference: In contrast to SoftwareProductInteractionCount, rather than counting all interactions, SoftwareProductStatusUpdateCount only counts interactions of type "status update". Note 1: In its current version, the EDI protocol supports status updates only for movement announcements. For content types other than movement announcement (status), this element shall not be provided. Note 2: In its current version, the only type of status update the EDI protocol supports is the cancellation (of movement announcements). This count is hence a count of cancellations. Note 3: This count must only include successful status updates (cancellations). The count must not include unsuccessful cancellation attempts, such as the cancellation of previosuly cancelled announcements. Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from RECORD_CHANGE_LOG where CONTENT_TYPE_ID=replace(local-name(//MessageCreationPartyID/following-sibling::*),'Status','') and substr(EDI_NODE_ID,1,instr(EDI_NODE_ID,'.')-1)=substring-before(InteractingEDINodeID,'.') AND UTCTIMESTAMP>=adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(current-dateTime(), xs:dayTimeDuration('PT0H'))-xs:dayTimeDuration('P60D') and INTERACTION_TYPE_ID="status_update" |
CreationPartyInteractionCount | 0..1 | This content of this element is similarly defined as that of SoftwareProductInteractionCount. The sole difference: In contrast to SoftwareProductInteractionCount, rather than counting all interactions related to a specific EDI node, CreationPartyInteractionCount counts the interactions related to a specific message/record creation party. Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from RECORD_CHANGE_LOG where CONTENT_TYPE_ID=replace(local-name(//MessageCreationPartyID/following-sibling::*),'Status','') and CREATION_PARTY_ID=//MessageCreationPartyID AND UTCTIMESTAMP>=adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(current-dateTime(), xs:dayTimeDuration('PT0H'))-xs:dayTimeDuration('P60D') |
CreationPartyContentUpdateCount | 0..1 | This content of this element is similarly defined as that of CreationPartyInteractionCount. The sole difference: In contrast to CreationPartyInteractionCount, rather than counting all interactions, CreationPartyContentUpdateCount only counts interactions of type "content update". Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from RECORD_CHANGE_LOG where CONTENT_TYPE_ID=replace(local-name(//MessageCreationPartyID/following-sibling::*),'Status','') and CREATION_PARTY_ID=//MessageCreationPartyID AND UTCTIMESTAMP>=adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(current-dateTime(), xs:dayTimeDuration('PT0H'))-xs:dayTimeDuration('P60D') and INTERACTION_TYPE_ID="content_update" |
CreationPartyStatusUpdateCount | 0..1 | This content of this element is similarly defined as that of CreationPartyInteractionCount. The sole difference: In contrast to CreationPartyInteractionCount, rather than counting all interactions, CreationPartyStatusUpdateCount only counts interactions of type "status update". See also the notes on SoftwareProductStatusUpdateCount. Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from RECORD_CHANGE_LOG where CONTENT_TYPE_ID=replace(local-name(//MessageCreationPartyID/following-sibling::*),'Status','') and CREATION_PARTY_ID=//MessageCreationPartyID AND UTCTIMESTAMP>=adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(current-dateTime(), xs:dayTimeDuration('PT0H'))-xs:dayTimeDuration('P60D') and INTERACTION_TYPE_ID="status_update" |
ValidationNodeAggregatedChangeData usage occurrences: MessageValidationContext
An aggregation of DATA (record CONTENTS) available in the database at a WasteX EDI node.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
TotalWasteMass | 0..1 | The total mass of shipped waste as calculated from "active" movement announcements and waste receipt confirmations with a notification number EQUAL to that from the message in the validation context and a serial number NOT EQUAL to the serial number from the message in the validation context. Note 1: "active" refers to a state of not being cancelled, not being withdrawn, etc, and to the availability of at least one of the types of messages (MA, CaC, CoWR, CoWD) for the respective serial number. Note 2: The received mass of waste has precedence over the announced mass of waste. I.e., for all shipments for which a received mass of waste is available, it is the received mass of waste that is used in the sum. See also the Pseudo-SQL statement below. Pseudo-SQL: select sum(case when WASTE_MASS_RECEIVED is not null then WASTE_MASS_RECEIVED else WASTE_MASS_ANNOUNCED) from SHIPMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID!=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and STATUS_ID="active" |
TotalWasteVolume | 0..1 | The total volume of shipped waste as calculated from "active" movement announcements and waste receipt confirmations with a notification number EQUAL to that from the message in the validation context and a serial number NOT EQUAL to the serial number from the message in the validation context. Note 1: "active" refers to a state of not being cancelled, not being withdrawn, etc, and to the availability of at least one of the types of messages (MA, CaC, CoWR, CoWD) for the respective serial number. Note 2: The received volume of waste has precedence over the announced volume of waste. I.e., for all shipments for which a received volume of waste is available, it is the received volume of waste that is used in the sum. See also the Pseudo-SQL statement below. Pseudo-SQL: select sum(case when WASTE_VOLUME_RECEIVED is not null then WASTE_VOLUME_RECEIVED else WASTE_VOLUME_ANNOUNCED) from SHIPMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID!=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and STATUS_ID="active" |
MovementCount | 0..1 | The total number of "active" shipments (serial numbers) with a notification number EQUAL to that from the message in the validation context and with a serial number NOT EQUAL to the serial number from the message in the validation context. Note: "active" refers to a state of not being cancelled, not being withdrawn, etc, and to the availability of at least one of the types of messages (MA, CaC, CoWR, CoWD) for the respective serial number. Pseudo-SQL: select count(SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID) from SHIPMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID!=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and STATUS_ID="active" |
MaximumSequenceNumberID | 0..1 | The highest already-used serial number occuring in shipment data (MA, CaC, CoWR, CoWT) with a notification number EQUAL to that from the message in the validation context and a serial number LOWER THAN the serial number to which the message in the validation context refers. Note 1: "Highest" refers to numerical ordering of the serial numbers. Note 2: In contrast to many of the other aggregated values, the calculation MUST take "inactive" shipments, such as cancelled shipments, into account. Note 3: A serial number counts as "already used" when at least one of MA, CaC, CoWR, CoWT is available for that serial number. Pseudo-SQL: select max(SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID) from SHIPMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID<//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
ValidationNodeAggregatedContentData usage occurrences: MessageValidationContext
Individual records of data available in the database at an EDI node prior to receiving a WasteX message and related to that message, i.e., related to the notification number and serial number contained in the message.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
NotificationInDatabaseIndicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a notification with the notification number contained in the received message is found at the data interchange node conducting the validation. "true" stands for found in the database. Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from NOTIFICATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID |
Notification | 0..1 | Latest notification information read from the database at the EDI node, for the notification to which the WasteX message refers. |
MovementAnnouncementInDatabaseIndicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a movement announcement with the combination of notification number and serial number as contained in the received message is found at the data interchange node conducting the validation. "true" stands for found in the database. Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from MOVEMENT_ANNOUNCEMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
MovementAnnouncement | 0..1 | Latest movement announcement information read from the database at the EDI node for the notification number and serial number referred to in the validation context message. |
CarrierConfirmationInDatabaseCount | 0..1 | The number of distinct carrier confirmations, with the combination of notification number and serial number as contained in the received message, found in the database at the data interchange node conducting the validation. Pseudo-SQL: select count(distinct CONFIRMATION_UUID) from CARRIER_CONFIRMATION where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
CarrierConfirmation | 0..1 | Latest carrier confirmation read from the database at the EDI node for the notification number, serial number and carrier confirmation UUID referred to in the validation context message. |
ConfirmationOfWasteReceiptInDatabaseIndicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a confirmation of waste receipt with the combination of notification number and serial number contained in the received message is found at the data interchange node conducting the validation. "true" stands for found in the database. Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from CONFIRMATION_OF_RECEIPT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID |
ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt | 0..1 | Latest confirmation of waste receipt information read from the database at the EDI node for the notification number and serial number referred to in the validation context message. |
FacilityConfirmationOfWasteTreatmentInDatabaseIndicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a confirmation of the completion of interim waste treatment at the facility NOT covering subsequent treatment, with the combination of notification number and serial number as contained in the received message, is found at the data interchange node conducting the validation. "true" stands for found in the database. Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from CONFIRMATION_OF_TREATMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and SCOPE_ID="FACILITY" |
FacilityConfirmationOfWasteTreatment | 0..1 | Latest confirmation of waste treatment information read from the database at the EDI node for the notification number and serial number referred to in the validation context message, and for a SCOPE_ID matching the "FACILITY" value, i.e., for the completion of interim treatment NOT covering subsequent treatment. |
EntireConfirmationOfWasteTreatmentInDatabaseIndicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a confirmation of the completion of the ENTIRE waste treatment in the country of destination, with the combination of notification number and serial number as contained in the received message, is found at the data interchange node conducting the validation. "true" stands for found in the database. Pseudo-SQL: select count(*) from CONFIRMATION_OF_TREATMENT where NOTIFICATION_NR=//AnnouncementIdentity/NotificationID and SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID=//AnnouncementIdentity/SequenceNumberID and SCOPE_ID="ENTIRE" |
EntireConfirmationOfWasteTreatment | 0..1 | Latest confirmation of waste treatment information read from the database at the EDI node for the notification number and serial number referred to in the validation context message, and for a SCOPE_ID matching the "ENTIRE" value, i.e., for the completion of all non-interim recovery or disposal in the country of destination. |
ValidationNodeIndividualData usage occurrences: MessageValidationContext
Reference data used at the EDI node receiving a WasteX message and conducting the validation.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
CountryList | 0..1 | The list of ISO 3166-1 3-digit country codes "known" at the validating node. "Known" means that software can look these codes up and for example translate them into country names, such as for displaying these names in user interfaces. Note 1: The set of values supported in the WasteX message format is defined by EUDIN ↗codelist 3862, which reproduces the entries of ISO 3166-1. Nodes in the exchange of WasteX messages should therefore keep country codelists in synch with EUDIN ↗codelist 3862. A codelist web service is available for this synchronisation. Note 2: In the WasteX message formats, country IDs only occur in Movement Announcement messages in relation to point of exit and point of entry for each country. Therefore, for message types other than Movement Announcement, there is no need to fill the ValidationNodeCountryIDList element. Note 3: An EDI node conducting formal validation via XSL transformation MAY increase the validation efficiency by filling the validation context ValidationNodeCountryIDList element only with values that occur BOTH in the validated message AND in the list of values "known" to the validating EDI node (intersection of the two sets of values). The pseudo-sql below illustrates the non-optimized version, in which the element is filled with ALL values "known" to the validating EDI node. Pseudo-SQL: select ISO3611_3DIGIT_ID, VALIDITY_START_DATE, VALIDITY_END_DATE from REF_COUNTRIES |
ValidationNodeReferenceData usage occurrences: MessageValidationContext
A volume value assignment statement, e.g. "80 m³".
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
NumericValue | 1..1 | The volume expressed as number in combination with a unit, e.g. "80m³". Note 1: Due to the use of a numeric data type, the precision/uncertainty of results (significant digits) CANNOT be expressed via the notation of the numeric value. For example, the two literals 30.00 and 30.0 are interpreted as the same numerical value. Supported lexical representations and values for the NumericValue content:
Example value: »80.1« Note 2: A case sensitive ISO/UCUM code identifies the unit in attribute @unitID, e.g. "m3". See EUDIN ↗codelist 4472. The set of supported values for attribute @unitID:
QuantificationTypeID | 0..1 | The type of quantification used for determining the waste volume (see also EUDIN ↗codelist 7299): The set of supported lexical representations and values:
VolumeValueAssignmentStatement usage occurrences: ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, LatestConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, LatestMovementAnnouncement, MovementAnnouncement, Notification
Identification of waste movement announcements for which all exchanged data should be marked as withdrawn by an EDI partner, potentially including confirmations of waste receipt and confirmations of waste treatment.
Note 1: This serves the purpose of letting EDI partners know that certain IDs, especially waste shipment announcement serial numbers, have been used erronously in EDI transmissions.
Note 2: As erronous use of identifiers is expected to prevented as much as possible in the first place, marking EDI transmissions as withdrawn should occur in rare exceptions only.
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
NotificationID | 1..1 | The identifier of the notification as assigned by the competent authority of dispatch Note: The identified notification is the permit for the announced shipment of waste. |
SequenceNumberID | 1..16384 | The serial number (sequential number) of the announced shipment for the specified notification. Example: Serial number 1 must be assigned to the first shipment announcement for a specific notification, serial number 2 to the second announced shipment, etc. |
WithdrawalMarkList usage occurrences: WithdrawalMarkCollection
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
CountContent xs:integer | 1..1 | Number (decimal). The following properties must apply:
CountContent usage occurrences: LatestNotification, MovementAnnouncement, Notification, ValidationNodeAggregatedChangeData, ValidationNodeAggregatedContentData, ValidationNodeIndividualData
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
CountIdentifierContent xs:nonNegativeInteger | 1..1 | A sequential number used as an identifier. The following properties must apply:
CountIdentifierContent usage occurrences: AnnouncementIdentity, Party, WithdrawalMarkList
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
CountryIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Identification of a country via an ISO 3166-1 3-digit-identifier. Examples:
CountryIdentifierContent usage occurrences: CountryListElement, NationalRoute, NotificationCountry
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
CountryTwoLetterIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Identification of a country via an ISO 3166-1 two-letter identifier ("alpha-2"). Examples:
CountryTwoLetterIdentifierContent usage occurrences: CountryListElement
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
DateContent xs:date | 1..1 | Date, i.e. identification of a day, without time zone indication. Note: This date datatype is used for providing local dates. For example, for the date of receipt of waste, this is the current local date at the location where the waste was received at the point in time when the waste was received. |
DateContent usage occurrences: CarrierConfirmation, ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment, CountryListElement, Decision, LatestCarrierConfirmation, LatestConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, LatestConfirmationOfWasteTreatment, LatestMovementAnnouncement, LatestNotification, MovementAnnouncement, Notification
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
DescriptionContent xs:string | 1..1 | Description text. The following properties must apply to description texts:
DescriptionContent usage occurrences: CarrierEconomicOperator, EconomicOperator, EconomicOperatorSite, WasteMovementSignalMessage
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
EconomicOperatorIdentifier | 1..1 | Identification of an economic operator, together with the identification of the type of identifier in the registerID attribute. Example: Identification of a legal entity such as a company. Note 1: This datatype is not used for the identification of competent authorities. There is a separate identifier datatype for this purpose. Note 2: In this data format the type of identifiers to use for parties is determined by the country in which the legal entity has its registered office. Example: Economic operators that have their registered office in Austria must be identified by GLN.AT, the Austrian public administration Global Location Number ("GLN der öffentlichen Verwaltung"). The full information on which types of identifiers MUST be used in which cases is provided in the data format description document (PDF). |
@registerID | 1..1 | Identification of the registration process through which the identifier has been assigned to the party. Note: In this data format the type of identifiers to use for parties is determined by the country in which the legal entity has its registered office. This means that the set of supported register identifiers (see below) determines the set of countries supported in the data format. Only legal entities that have their registered office in one of these countries can be referenced in the data instances. This data format can only be used for data interchange if all the companies involved in the shipments have their registered office in one of the supported countries. The list of supported registers and thus countries will be extended with coming versions of the data format. Examples of supported values (see EUDIN ↗codelist 2237 for the full list):
EconomicOperatorIdentifier usage occurrences: CarrierConfirmation, CarrierEconomicOperator, EconomicOperator, EconomicOperatorSite, EconomicOperatorSiteIdentity, LatestTransportMovement, Notification, Party, TransportMovement, WasteMovementUserMessage
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
EconomicOperatorRegisterIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Identification of a registration process through which an identifier has been assigned to an economic operator (EUDIN ↗codelist 2237). Example values:
EconomicOperatorRegisterIdentifierContent usage occurrences: CarrierEconomicOperator, EconomicOperator, EconomicOperatorIdentifier, EconomicOperatorSite, LatestTransportMovement, Party
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
IndicatorContent xs:boolean | 1..1 | Yes/No value (Yes: property applies; No: property does not apply). |
IndicatorContent usage occurrences: ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, Decision, LatestConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, LatestNotification, ValidationNodeIndividualData, WasteMovementSignalMessage
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
MassNumericValue | 1..1 | A mass quantity expressed as numerical value in combination with a metrological unit, such as in "20t". |
@unitID | 1..1 | The metrological unit to which the numerical value refers in the specification of the mass. Note: The metrological unit is expressed by a case sensitive Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM). The set of supported lexical representations and values:
MassNumericValue usage occurrences: LatestNotification, MassValueAssignmentStatement, ValidationNodeAggregatedContentData
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
MassUnitIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Enumeration of quantity units for mass quantities. Note: The metrological unit is expressed by a case sensitive Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM). The set of supported lexical representations and values:
MassUnitIdentifierContent usage occurrences: MassNumericValue
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
MovementAnnouncementStatusIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Movement announcement status enumeration:
MovementAnnouncementStatusIdentifierContent usage occurrences: LatestMovementAnnouncement
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
MaxLen1000TextContent xs:string | 1..1 | Text consisting of a maximum of 1000 characters. The following properties must apply:
MaxLen1000TextContent usage occurrences: WasteMovementUserMessage
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
MovementAnnouncementUpdateStatusIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Movement announcement status enumeration:
MovementAnnouncementUpdateStatusIdentifierContent usage occurrences: MovementAnnouncementStatus
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
NameContent xs:token | 1..1 | Name. The following properties must apply to names:
NameContent usage occurrences: CarrierEconomicOperator, EconomicOperator, EconomicOperatorSite, NationalRoute, NotificationCountry, Party
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
PackageTypeIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Enumeration of types of packages, pursuant to WSR Annex IA and IB. See also EUDIN ↗codelist 6524. Note: In the definition of this data format, the list of types of packages is defined as a static list on purpose. This means that new codes can only be supported through updates of the data format specification, and are not supported independent of the data format specification. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
PackageTypeIdentifierContent usage occurrences: LatestNotification, MovementAnnouncement, Notification
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
PartyIdentifier | 1..1 | Identification of a party, together with the identification of the type of identifier in the registerID attribute. Example: Identification of a legal entity such as a company. Note 1: This datatype is used for both economic operators and competent authorities. Note 2: In this data format the type of identifiers to use for economic operators is determined by the country in which the legal entity has its registered office. Example: Economic operators that have their registered office in Austria must be identified by GLN.AT, the Austrian public administration Global Location Number ("GLN der öffentlichen Verwaltung"). The full information on which types of identifiers MUST be used in which cases is provided in the data format description document (PDF). |
@registerID | 1..1 | Identification of the registration process through which the identifier has been assigned to the party. The set of supported values for authorities:
Examples of supported values for economic operators (see EUDIN ↗codelist 2237 for the full list):
PartyIdentifier usage occurrences: DatabaseInstancePartyList, Decision
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
PartyRegisterIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Identification of a registration process through which an identifier has been assigned to a party. The set of supported values for authorities:
Examples of supported values for economic operators (see EUDIN ↗codelist 2237 for the full list):
PartyRegisterIdentifierContent usage occurrences: PartyIdentifier
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
PostalAreaIdentifierContent xs:token | 1..1 | Postcode. The following properties must apply to postcodes:
PostalAreaIdentifierContent usage occurrences: EconomicOperatorSite, EconomicOperatorSiteIdentity, Party
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
QuantificationTypeIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Enumeration of types of quantification. See also EUDIN ↗codelist 7299. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
QuantificationTypeIdentifierContent usage occurrences: MassValueAssignmentStatement, VolumeValueAssignmentStatement
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
RelaxedIdentifierContent xs:token | 1..1 | Value range to which all tokens consisting of a maximum of 64 characters belong. Exception: The string consisting of 0 characters. Note: A token is a string that does not contain carriage return (#xD), line feed (#xA) or tab (#x9) characters, does not begin or end with spaces (#x20), and does not contain a sequence of two or more consecutive spaces. |
RelaxedIdentifierContent usage occurrences: AnnouncementIdentity, CarrierConfirmation, DatabaseInstancePartyList, Decision, EconomicOperatorIdentifier, MessageValidationContext, Notification, PartyIdentifier, WithdrawalMarkList
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
RemarkContent xs:string | 1..1 | Remark text. The following properties must apply to annotation texts:
RemarkContent usage occurrences: CarrierConfirmation, ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt, ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment, MovementAnnouncement, MovementAnnouncementStatus, Notification
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ShortNameContent xs:token | 1..1 | Short name. The following properties must apply to short names:
ShortNameContent usage occurrences: MessageValidationContext, WasteMovementSignalMessage
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
SignalIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Enumeration of signals sent by an EDI node as a response to receiving a user message. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
SignalIdentifierContent usage occurrences: WasteMovementSignalMessage
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
TimestampContentType xs:dateTime | 1..1 | Timestamp (date and time), with fraction of a second, with time zone indication for UTC. Note: This information is generated automatically by software. Users must not be able to edit this information. |
TimestampContentType usage occurrences: MessageValidationContext, ValidationNodeAggregatedChangeData, WasteMovementSignalMessage, WasteMovementUserMessage, 🠖InitSyncRequestType, 🠖UpdateEventType
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
TransportModeIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Enumeration of modes of transport, pursuant to WSR Annex IA and IB. Ssee also EUDIN ↗codelist 8149. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
TransportModeIdentifierContent usage occurrences: CarrierConfirmation, CarrierEconomicOperator, LatestCarrierConfirmation, LatestTransportMovement, TransportMovement
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
TreatmentScopeIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Enumeration of scopes of waste treatment. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
TreatmentScopeIdentifierContent usage occurrences: ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
UserMessageTypeIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Enumeration of types of WasteX waste movement user messages. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
UserMessageTypeIdentifierContent usage occurrences: WasteMovementSignalMessage
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
UUIDIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) in canonical representation. The set of supported lexical representations and values: Character strings that are a canonical representation of a version 4 (random) Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Note that each such character string consists of exactly 36 characters. Any character string of a length other than 36 is hence not one of the supported values. Example value: »aeca8c2d-523a-431a-812e-abd8a2475722« |
UUIDIdentifierContent usage occurrences: CarrierConfirmation, MovementAnnouncement, WasteMovementSignalMessage, WasteMovementUserMessage, 🠖InitSyncResponseType
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ValidationResultIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Enumeration of results of waste movement user message validation. The set of supported lexical representations and values:
ValidationResultIdentifierContent usage occurrences: WasteMovementSignalMessage
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
ValueContent xs:decimal | 1..1 | Decimal number, e.g. measured, calculated or fixed value. The following properties must apply:
ValueContent usage occurrences: MassNumericValue, VolumeNumericValue
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
VersionIdentifier xs:token | 1..1 | Version information. The version information consists of a maximum of 8 characters. It is composed of the following parts: "Major Version", followed by a dot (#x2E), followed by the "Minor Version". Both "Major Version" and "Minor Version" consist exclusively of digits. "Minor Version" consists of exactly 2 digits. |
VersionIdentifier usage occurrences: MessageValidationContext, WasteMovementSignalMessage, WasteMovementUserMessage
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
VolumeNumericValue | 1..1 | A volume expressed as numerical value in combination with a metrological unit, such as in "80m³". |
@unitID | 1..1 | The metrological unit to which the numerical value refers in the specification of the volume. Note: The metrological unit is expressed by a case sensitive Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM). The set of supported lexical representations and values:
VolumeNumericValue usage occurrences: LatestNotification, ValidationNodeAggregatedContentData, VolumeValueAssignmentStatement
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
VolumeUnitIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Enumeration of quantity units for volume quantities. Note: The metrological unit is expressed by a case sensitive Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM). The set of supported lexical representations and values:
VolumeUnitIdentifierContent usage occurrences: VolumeNumericValue
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
WasteTypeIdentifier | 1..1 | Identification of a type of waste, together with the identification of the waste classification in the registerID attribute. Examples:
@registerID | 1..1 | Identification of a waste classification. Note: There are two different ways of waste classification identification:
WasteTypeIdentifier usage occurrences: Notification
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
WasteTypeIdentifierContent xs:token | 1..1 | Identification of a type of waste. |
WasteTypeIdentifierContent usage occurrences: WasteTypeIdentifier
Name/Type | min..max | Definition |
WasteTypeListIdentifierContent xs:string | 1..1 | Identification of a waste classification. Note: There are two different ways of waste classification identification:
WasteTypeListIdentifierContent usage occurrences: WasteTypeIdentifier
WasteX EDI nodes apply formal validation to received user messages. These are automated checks of formal criteria, such as whether or not the message contains a certain piece of information (data element), whether or not a value exceeds a certain threshold, whether or not a value is unique, whether or not there are matching IDs, etc.
The WasteX specification uses [Schematron] for expressing the validation rules in a formal language.
WasteX EDI nodes calculate validation reports by applying an [XSLT] transformation, wastex_formalvalidationrules.xsl, to an [XML] instance. WasteX EDI nodes at the receiving end of a user message transmission report such validation protocols back to the sending EDI node.
Formal validation can lead to automatic rejection (ERROR), but does not necessarily lead to automatic rejection (WARNING, INFO, OK). Codelist 6099 defines the possible results of formal validation, OK, INFO, WARNING and ERROR.
With the [Schematron] approach, conducting formal validation is a matter of applying an [XSLT] transformation. Thus, this approach is ideal for identical validation at different EDI nodes, avoiding both deviations and repeated implementation of the same formal validation rules.
Step 1: Extract pieces of information such as notification number and sequential number
Step 2: Read contextual data from DB at EDI node
Step 3: Combine message and contextual data into a validation context [XML] instance
Step 4: Apply validation rules [XSLT] transformation to the validation context [XML] instance
Using [Schematron] in the WasteX specification, and conducting validation by applying an [XSLT] transformation, serves cost efficiency and interoperability.
The approach is cost efficient, as the implementation of formal validation in any WasteX WS takes little more than conducting an [XSLT] transformation via an [XSLT] processor. There is no need for repeatedly implementing such formal validation (such as in Java, C#, etc.).
The approach is interoperable, as it leads to uniform and predictable behaviour of WasteX web services. It avoids deviations in the implementation and behaviour of WasteX web services. Such deviation would severly impair interoperability and entail significant operational costs and delays, such as in a scenario in which the transmission to the CA of dispatch goes through, but the transmission to the CA of destination does not go through due to validation deviations.
The following are two main themes of formal validation:
The following applies:
Important observations on regulatory compliance check related formal validation:
This observations from the previous section mean the following for interpreting formal validation protocols:
A formal validation protocol contains a list of 0 to n entries. In an EDI transmission, the EDI node receiving a user message returns a signal message to the sender EDI node. Said signal message typically contains a formal validation protocol.
The main content of each validation protocol entry is an English language text explaining a single hint or issue. Each entry also contains an ID of the validation rule and an INFO, WARNING, ERROR classification - see ↗codelist 6099.
The texts are plain, without markup and formatting instructions, and without carriage returns, line feed, tabulators and the like. This is so that software developers can handle the texts with ease, such as when displaying them in user interfaces.
The intended audience of these texts are regular end users at both ends of an EDI transmission. Note that said users do not need to know anything about the EDI syntax, such as XML formats. The validation protocol texts refer to data instances and data contents in a syntax neutral way. For example, such references can contain notification number, serial number, party IDs, names and addresses, location descriptions, and the like. The texts do not contain syntax specific references, such as XML paths.
EDI nodes must make validation protocols accessible to regular end users at both the sender and receiver side of a transmission, such as by displaying them in the user interface. For the receiver side, this only applies to accepted transmissions, i.e., transmissions that the receiving EDI node has not rejected automatically.
The next section contains a description of all the formal validation rules that the WasteX web service applies to User Message transmissions.
This description contains one or more sample validation protocol entries for each of the defined formal validation rules.
The description results from automatically applying the formal validation rules defined per Schematron file wastex_formalvalidationrules.sch to the sample XML files contained in the specification package.
Each of the validation report entries contains a link to the respective validation result in Schematron Validation Report Language (SVRL) format. These SVRL instances result from applying wastex_formalvalidationrules.xsl to the respective linked sample user messages, using one of the [Saxon] or [RaptorXML] [XSLT] processors. Applying an additional XSL transformation yields the HTML representations.
WasteX web services deliver the results of formal validation in SVRL format, as part of Signal Messages in the MessageFormalValidationReport element.
Validated XML File | IDs of violated rules | Result ID | Main validation report entry text | Validation report HTML and SVRL files |
example_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | OK | .html / .xml | ||
example_B_MovementAnnouncementStatus.xml | OK | .html / .xml | ||
example_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | OK | .html / .xml | ||
example_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | OK | .html / .xml | ||
example_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | OK | .html / .xml | ||
OK_aa_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | OK | .html / .xml | ||
OK_ab_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | OK | .html / .xml | ||
OK_ac_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | OK | .html / .xml | ||
OK_ad_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | OK | .html / .xml | ||
violate_R011a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R011 | WARNING | The carrier confirmation message refers to the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«. The transmission of the carrier confirmation message is late because for this combination of notification number and serial number the database at »EDM.GV.AT« already contains the following: confirmation of waste receipt, confirmation of the completion of waste treatment. | .html / .xml |
violate_R013a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R013 | WARNING | The movement announcement message refers to the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4«. The transmission of the movement announcement message is late because for this combination of notification number and serial number the database at »EDM.GV.AT« already contains the following: carrier confirmation, confirmation of waste receipt, confirmation of the completion of waste treatment. | .html / .xml |
violate_R017a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R017 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks information on the waste production (WasteProductionPartySite elements). | .html / .xml |
violate_R044a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R044 | INFO | In the route information with points of exit and points of entry (NationalRoute elements) contained in the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« the following countries, represented with their ISO 3166-1 3-digit codes and two-letter-codes, occur more than once: 380 (IT). | .html / .xml |
violate_R044b_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R044 | INFO | In the route information with points of exit and points of entry (NationalRoute elements) contained in the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« the following countries, represented with their ISO 3166-1 3-digit codes and two-letter-codes, occur more than once: 380 (IT), 040 (AT). | .html / .xml |
violate_R044c_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R044 | INFO | In the route information with points of exit and points of entry (NationalRoute elements) contained in the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« the following countries, represented with their ISO 3166-1 3-digit codes, occur more than once: 380, 040. | .html / .xml |
violate_R047a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R047 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks the waste receipt date (ReceiptDate element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R060a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R060 | ERROR | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks transport mode information (TransportModeID element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R066a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R066 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains country entry point and exit point information for a single country only. | .html / .xml |
violate_R074a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R074 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains the planned date of waste treatment completion »2024-01-13«. The message also contains the waste receipt date »2024-01-17«. According to this data, the treatment is completed 4 days before waste receipt. This error triggers for a waste treatment completion that is 2 or more days before waste receipt, leaving 1 day tolerance for time zone date progression differences. | .html / .xml |
violate_R081a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R081 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks the post code (SitePostalAreaID element) for waste production site no. 1, which refers to the waste production party with ID »IT02795790241« (»VAT.EU«). | .html / .xml |
violate_R081b_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R081 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks the post code (SitePostalAreaID element) for waste production site no. 2, which refers to the waste production party with ID »IT02795790241« (»VAT.EU«). | .html / .xml |
violate_R085a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R085 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to a waste production party with ID »IT02795790241« (»VAT.EU«) in combination with a production site with post code »25071«. The notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains multiple waste production party and site combinations matching this party ID and site post code. As a result, the movement announcement does not uniquely reference a waste production entry of the notification. | .html / .xml |
violate_R100a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R100 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«. In the database at »EDM.GV.AT« the movement announcement for this combination of notification number and serial number is recorded as cancelled. As a result, »EDM.GV.AT« cannot accept new messages referring to this combination of notification number and serial number. | .html / .xml |
violate_R112a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R112 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks the exit point name (ExitPointName element) for route part no. 1 in country IT (ID »380«). | .html / .xml |
violate_R114a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R114 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains creation timestamp »2024-01-19T12:49:18.117574Z« which lies in the future, i.e., it is greater than message receipt timestamp »2024-01-17T12:49:16.779033Z«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R118a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R118 | ERROR | In the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« the following combinations of waste production party ID and waste production site postcode (WasteProductionPartySite elements) occur more than once: IT02795790241, 25071. | .html / .xml |
violate_R129a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R129 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks treatment party and site information (TreatmentPartySite element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R136a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R136 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks the post code for the waste receipt site (SitePostalAreaID element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R148a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R148 | WARNING | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the carrier party with ID »IT00623920212« (»VAT.EU«). This does not match any of the carriers in the movement announcement information for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«. Note that for party IDs to match, the transmitted message must contain the correct type of ID (WasteX relevant ID or recipient specific ID), and »EDM.GV.AT« must contain unique party IDs with the correct types as well. | .html / .xml |
violate_R158a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R158 | WARNING | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains shipment start date »2024-01-21«. The notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« defines »2024-01-18« as the last day at which shipments are permitted. According to these records, the shipment will take place after the consented shipment period. | .html / .xml |
violate_R170a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R170 | WARNING | The movement announcement message refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »1001«. In the database at »EDM.GV.AT« the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« the total consented number of shipments is »1000«, which the serial number »1001« exceeds. | .html / .xml |
violate_R200a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R200 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains creation timestamp »2024-01-09T12:49:18.285581Z«. According to this message creation timestamp and the message receipt timestamp »2024-01-17T12:49:16.734264Z« more than 7 days have elapsed between message creation and message receipt. This warning triggers for time differences of 5 or more days. | .html / .xml |
violate_R207a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R207 | WARNING | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to 25.0t of waste. According to the notification in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« the total consented amount of waste is 10,000.0t. According to the shipment information in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« a total of 9,990.0t has already been announced or confirmed in receipt previously. As a result, the movement announcement exceeds the total consented amount of waste. | .html / .xml |
violate_R219a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R219 | ERROR | 2024-01-15The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains shipment start date »2024-01-13«. The message receipt timestamp is »2024-01-17T12:49:16.565141Z«, which means that more than 4 days have elapsed between shipment start date and message receipt. This error triggers for a time difference of more than 1 day. Note that pursuant to provisions such as the WSR the information must be exchanged as an announcement, i.e., BEFORE the start of the shipment. | .html / .xml |
violate_R220a_F_Notification.xml | R220 | ERROR | The message contains notification »IT 347203«. The WasteX protocol does NOT currently support sharing structured notification data via the ShareMessage operation. The WasteX protocol currently only supports QueryUpdate read access to notification data available at an authority. | .html / .xml |
violate_R226a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R226 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to treatment at one facility, NOT including subsequent treatment (value »FACILITY« in element ScopeID). According to the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«, there is NO subsequent treatment of waste for shipments under this consent. Confirmations of the completion of waste treatment must therefore refer to the completion of the ENTIRE treatment in the country of destination (Art. 16(e) WSR), by featuring the value »ENTIRE« in the ScopeID element. | .html / .xml |
violate_R241a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R241 | INFO | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to an entry point name »Kiefersfelden« for country DE (ID »276«). This does not match any of the entry point names - »Achenpass« - from the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R247a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R247 | ERROR | In the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« the first part of the route information refers to the country AT (ID »040«). The notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains country of dispatch IT (ID »380«). The route must start in the country of dispatch. | .html / .xml |
violate_R249a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R249 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks information on the received volume of waste (ReceivedWasteVolume element), despite the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« containing a consented maximum total volume of waste. | .html / .xml |
violate_R253a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R253 | ERROR | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains transfer date »2023-12-16«. The message receipt timestamp is »2024-01-17T12:49:16.706327Z«, which means that more than 32 days have elapsed between transfer date and message receipt. This error triggers for a time difference of more than 30 days. Note that there are many provisions in practice, such as WSR or consent provisions, that can require transmissions sooner than within 30 days. | .html / .xml |
violate_R253b_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R253 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains waste receipt date »2023-12-16«. The message receipt timestamp is »2024-01-17T12:49:16.734264Z«, which means that more than 32 days have elapsed between waste receipt date and message receipt. This error triggers for a time difference of more than 30 days. Note that there are many provisions in practice, such as WSR or consent provisions, that can require transmissions sooner than within 30 days. | .html / .xml |
violate_R253c_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R253 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains treatment completion date »2023-12-16«. The message receipt timestamp is »2024-01-17T12:49:16.779033Z«, which means that more than 32 days have elapsed between treatment completion date and message receipt. This error triggers for a time difference of more than 30 days. Note that there are many provisions in practice, such as WSR or consent provisions, that can require transmissions sooner than within 30 days. | .html / .xml |
violate_R259a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R259 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to a waste production party with ID »IT02244220212« (»VAT.EU«) in combination with a production site with post code »25071«. This does not match any of the waste production party-site-combinations in the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«. Note that for party IDs to match, the transmitted message must contain the correct type of ID (WasteX relevant ID or recipient specific ID), and »EDM.GV.AT« must contain unique party IDs with the correct types as well. | .html / .xml |
violate_R259b_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R259 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to a waste production party with ID »IT02795790241« (»VAT.EU«) in combination with a production site with post code »25070«. This does not match any of the waste production party-site-combinations in the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«. Note that for party IDs to match, the transmitted message must contain the correct type of ID (WasteX relevant ID or recipient specific ID), and »EDM.GV.AT« must contain unique party IDs with the correct types as well. | .html / .xml |
violate_R279a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R279 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the waste receiver party with ID »IT02244220212« (»VAT.EU«). This does not match the message creation party with ID »DE140462045« (»VAT.EU«). | .html / .xml |
violate_R305a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R305 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the completion of the ENTIRE treatment in the country of destination (value »ENTIRE« in element ScopeID). According to the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«, there is subsequent treatment of waste for shipments under this consent. This version of the WasteX specification does NOT support confirmations of the completion of subsequent treatment (Art. 15(e) WSR), but rather supports confirmations of the completion of interim treatment only (Art. 15(d) WSR). For the confirmation of the completion of interim treatment, the ScopeID element must feature the value »FACILITY«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R307a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R307 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks the planned date of completing waste treatment (PlannedTreatmentCompletionDate element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R323a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R323 | ERROR | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains transfer date »2024-01-21« which lies in the future, i.e., it is greater than message receipt timestamp »2024-01-17T12:49:16.706327Z«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R323b_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R323 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains waste receipt date »2024-01-19« which lies in the future, i.e., it is greater than message receipt timestamp »2024-01-17T12:49:16.734264Z«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R323c_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R323 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains treatment completion date »2024-01-19« which lies in the future, i.e., it is greater than message receipt timestamp »2024-01-17T12:49:16.779033Z«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R333a_G_Decision.xml | R333 | ERROR | The message contains a competend authorities' decision on intended shipments of waste for notification »IT 347203«. The WasteX protocol does NOT currently support sharing decision data via the ShareMessage operation. The WasteX protocol currently only supports QueryUpdate read access to decision data available at an authority. | .html / .xml |
violate_R342a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R342 | INFO | The movement announcement message refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4«. Content of the respective type already exists in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« and has been updated at least once prior to the receipt of the new message. The WasteX protocol expects single transmissions of 'final' information as the standard case, and the avoidance of update/correction-transmissions to the greatest extent possible. | .html / .xml |
violate_R356a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R356 | ERROR | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the carrier with ID »IT00623920212« (»VAT.EU«). This does not match any of the carriers in the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«. Note that for party IDs to match, the transmitted message must contain the correct type of ID (WasteX relevant ID or recipient specific ID), and »EDM.GV.AT« must contain unique party IDs with the correct types as well. | .html / .xml |
violate_R369a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R369 | ERROR | The route information in the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to a country with ISO 3166-1 3-digit code »383«. A country with this ID does not exist in the reference data at »EDM.GV.AT«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R378a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R378 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks packaging type information (PackageTypeID elements). | .html / .xml |
violate_R387a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R387 | ERROR | In the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« the last part of the route information refers to the country AT (ID »040«). The notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains country of destination DE (ID »276«). The route must end in the country of destination. | .html / .xml |
violate_R418a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R418 | WARNING | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks a transport means identifier, such as a license plate number (TransportMeansID element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R426a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R426 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains treatment completion date »2024-01-12«. For the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«, the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains waste receipt information with receipt date »2024-01-15«. According to this data, the treatment completion date is 3 days before the receipt date. This error triggers for a treatment completion date that is 2 or more days before the receipt date, leaving 1 day tolerance for time zone date progression differences. | .html / .xml |
violate_R439a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R439 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks the shipment start date (StartDate element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R446a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R446 | ERROR | The route information with points of exit and points of entry in the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to the same country AT (ID »040«) in two consecutive route parts, no. 2 and 3. | .html / .xml |
violate_R470a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R470 | INFO | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains a waste mass value of »0.0«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R470b_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R470 | INFO | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains a waste volume value of »0.0«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R473a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R473 | WARNING | The route information in the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to country CS (ID »891«). According to the reference data at »EDM.GV.AT« this country ceased to exist at 2006-06-02, and therefore should NOT be referenced in the movement announcement with start date 2024-01-21. | .html / .xml |
violate_R479a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R479 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to the packaging type with code »8«. In the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« the type with code »8« is not among the consented packaging types. | .html / .xml |
violate_R489a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R489 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks information on the received mass of waste (ReceivedWasteMass element), despite the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« containing a consented maximum total mass of waste. | .html / .xml |
violate_R493a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R493 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks the treatment completion date (TreatmentCompletionDate element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R495a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R495 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks information on the mass of waste to be shipped (WasteMass element), despite the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« containing a consented maximum total mass of waste. | .html / .xml |
violate_R497a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R497 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to a message creation party with ID »IT02795790241« (»VAT.EU«). This is different from the notification party reference in the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«, which contains WasteX relevant ID »IT33333333302« (»VAT.EU«). | .html / .xml |
violate_R497b_B_MovementAnnouncementStatus.xml | R497 | ERROR | The movement announcement status message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to a message creation party with ID »IT02795790241« (»VAT.EU«). This is different from the notification party reference in the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«, which contains WasteX relevant ID »IT33333333302« (»VAT.EU«) and recipient specific ID »9008391486114«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R519a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R519 | ERROR | In the packaging type information (PackageTypeID elements) contained in the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« the following packaging types occur more than once: 8. | .html / .xml |
violate_R521a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R521 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to a carrier party with ID »IT02795790241« (»VAT.EU«). This does not match any of the carrier parties in the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« at the »EDM.GV.AT« database. Note that for party IDs to match, the transmitted message must contain the correct type of ID (WasteX relevant ID or recipient specific ID), and »EDM.GV.AT« must contain unique party IDs with the correct types as well. | .html / .xml |
violate_R522a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R522 | WARNING | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks the total number of packages (PackageCount element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R526a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R526 | INFO | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to an exit point name »Kufstein« for country AT (ID »040«). This does not match any of the exit point names - »Achenwald«, »Kössen« - from the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R530a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R530 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains a negative waste mass value »-23.0«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R530b_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R530 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains a negative waste volume value »-5.3«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R530c_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R530 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains a negative waste mass value »-16.7«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R530d_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R530 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains a negative waste volume value »-3.8«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R533a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R533 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains treatment completion date »2024-01-17«. For the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«, the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains waste receipt information with receipt date »2022-12-13«. According to this data, the treatment completion date is 400 days after the waste receipt date. This warning triggers for a treatment completion date that is more than 366 days after the waste receipt date. | .html / .xml |
violate_R557a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R557 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains a waste mass value of »0.0«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R557b_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R557 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains a waste volume value of »0.0«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R564a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R564 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the waste receiver party with ID »DE140462045« (»VAT.EU«) and receipt site with post code »02699«. The waste treatment party and site in the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« has WasteX relevant ID »IT33333333302« (»VAT.EU«) and post code »02699«, which does not match. The consignee party in the notification/consent has WasteX relevant ID »IT44444444408« (»VAT.EU«), which does not match either. | .html / .xml |
violate_R564b_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R564 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the waste receiver party with ID »DE140462045« (»VAT.EU«) and receipt site with post code »02699«. The waste treatment party and site in the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« has WasteX relevant ID »DE140462045« (»VAT.EU«) and post code »63720«, which does not match. The consignee party in the notification/consent has WasteX relevant ID »IT44444444408« (»VAT.EU«), which does not match either. | .html / .xml |
violate_R576a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R576 | WARNING | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains shipment start date »2024-01-21«. The notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« defines »2024-02-17« as the first day at which shipments are permitted. According to these records, the shipment takes place before the consented shipment period. | .html / .xml |
violate_R602a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R602 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for notification number »IT 347203« refers to serial number »0«. The serial number must be geater or equal to 1. | .html / .xml |
violate_R606a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R606 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains the entry point name »Hirtsbecken« for the first part of the route in country IT (ID »380«). The first part of the route must not contain an entry point name. | .html / .xml |
violate_R614a_B_MovementAnnouncementStatus.xml | R614 | ERROR | The movement announcement cancellation (movement announcement status message) refers to the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4«. »EDM.GV.AT« cannot accept/process the cancellation, as for this combination of notification number and serial number, the database at »EDM.GV.AT« already contains the following: carrier confirmation, confirmation of waste receipt. | .html / .xml |
violate_R614b_B_MovementAnnouncementStatus.xml | R614 | ERROR | The movement announcement cancellation (movement announcement status message) refers to the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4«. »EDM.GV.AT« cannot accept/process the cancellation, as for this combination of notification number and serial number, the database at »EDM.GV.AT« already contains the following: carrier confirmation, confirmation of waste receipt, confirmation of the completion of waste treatment. | .html / .xml |
violate_R631a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R631 | WARNING | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains transfer date »2024-01-17«. For the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«, the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains movement announcement information with shipment start date »2024-01-21«. According to this data, the transfer date is 4 days before the shipment start date. This warning triggers for a transfer date that is 2 or more days before the shipment start date, leaving 1 day tolerance for time zone date progression differences. | .html / .xml |
violate_R631b_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R631 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains waste receipt date »2024-01-17«. For the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«, the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains movement announcement information with shipment start date »2024-01-21«. According to this data, the waste receipt date is 4 days before the shipment start date. This warning triggers for a waste receipt date that is 2 or more days before the shipment start date, leaving 1 day tolerance for time zone date progression differences. | .html / .xml |
violate_R631c_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R631 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains treatment completion date »2024-01-17«. For the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«, the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains movement announcement information with shipment start date »2024-01-21«. According to this data, the treatment completion date is 4 days before the shipment start date. This warning triggers for a treatment completion date that is 2 or more days before the shipment start date, leaving 1 day tolerance for time zone date progression differences. | .html / .xml |
violate_R651a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R651 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste receipt message refers to the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«. The transmission of the confirmation of waste receipt message is late because for this combination of notification number and serial number the database at »EDM.GV.AT« already contains the following: confirmation of the completion of waste treatment. | .html / .xml |
violate_R684a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R684 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks information on the volume of waste to be shipped (WasteVolume element), despite the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« containing a consented maximum total volume of waste. | .html / .xml |
violate_R686a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R686 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks the entry point name (EntryPointName element) for route part no. 2 in country AT (ID »040«). | .html / .xml |
violate_R688a_B_MovementAnnouncementStatus.xml | R688 | WARNING | The movement announcement status message (announcement cancellation) refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4«. In the database at »EDM.GV.AT« there is no movement announcement for this combination of notification number and serial number. As a result, »EDM.GV.AT« ignores the message. | .html / .xml |
violate_R705a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R705 | WARNING | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks country entry point and exit point information (NationalRoute elements). | .html / .xml |
violate_R712a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R712 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains shipment start date »2026-01-20«. The message receipt timestamp is »2024-01-17T12:49:16.565141Z«, which means that from the time of message receipt it still takes more than 2 years until the shipment starts. This error triggers for a time difference of 1 or more years. | .html / .xml |
violate_R715a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R715 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste treatment message refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«. In the database at »EDM.GV.AT« there is no confirmation of waste receipt for this combination of notification number and serial number at the time of confirmation of waste treatment message receipt. | .html / .xml |
violate_R725a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R725 | INFO | AT: Note that for the time being the WasteX interface of the Austrian competent authority cannot store carrier confirmations. The competent authority will not have access to transmitted carrier confirmations. | .html / .xml |
violate_R726a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R726 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks the indication of whether or not the received waste was rejected (RejectionIndicator element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R732a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R732 | WARNING | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to the combination of transport mode »T« and carrier party with ID »DE188158403« (»VAT.EU«). The notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« does NOT contain this combination of transport mode and carrier party. The notification/consent contains the following transport modes for the party: S, W | .html / .xml |
violate_R767a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R767 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the waste treatment party with ID »DE140462045« (»VAT.EU«) and treatment site post code »02699«. The waste treatment party and site in the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« has WasteX relevant ID »IT33333333302« (»VAT.EU«) and post code »02699«, which does not match. | .html / .xml |
violate_R780a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R780 | ERROR | The movement announcement message refers to notification number »IT 347203«. A notification with that number does not exist in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R780b_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R780 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message refers to notification number »IT 347203«. A notification with that number does not exist in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«. | .html / .xml |
violate_R795a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R795 | WARNING | The carrier confirmation message refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«. In the database at »EDM.GV.AT« there is no movement announcement for this combination of notification number and serial number at the time of carrier confirmation message receipt. | .html / .xml |
violate_R795b_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R795 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste receipt message refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«. In the database at »EDM.GV.AT« there is no movement announcement for this combination of notification number and serial number at the time of confirmation of waste receipt message receipt. | .html / .xml |
violate_R795c_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R795 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste treatment message refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«. In the database at »EDM.GV.AT« there is no movement announcement for this combination of notification number and serial number at the time of confirmation of waste treatment message receipt. | .html / .xml |
violate_R797a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R797 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«. The notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« lacks party identifiers needed for looking up party references contained in WasteX messages. This applies to one or more of the following parties: Notifier, waste producers, carriers, consignee and/or waste treatment parties. | .html / .xml |
violate_R798a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R798 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks carrier information (TransportMovement elements). | .html / .xml |
violate_R804a_B_MovementAnnouncementStatus.xml | R804 | WARNING | The movement announcement status message refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4«. For this combination of notification number and serial number, the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains latest movement announcement information with start date »2024-01-13«. The receipt timestamp for the movement announcement status message is »2024-01-17T12:49:16.655814Z«, which means that more than 4 days have elapsed between shipment start date and message receipt. This warning triggers for a posteriori announcement status updates (cancellations) with a time difference of more than 1 day. Note that pursuant to provisions such as the WSR the information must be exchanged as an announcement, i.e., BEFORE the start of the shipment. | .html / .xml |
violate_R808a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R808 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains the number of packages »-1«. The number of packages must be greater or equal to 0. | .html / .xml |
violate_R824a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R824 | ERROR | The route information in the movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to country SC (ID »690«). According to the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«, this country is neither country of dispatch, nor country of transit, nor country of destination. The route information must match country of dispatch, countries of transit and country of destination from the notification/consent. | .html / .xml |
violate_R827a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R827 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste treatment message refers to notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«. According to the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« the status of the notification and consent procedure is such that shipments are not or not yet permitted. | .html / .xml |
violate_R837a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R837 | WARNING | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to 55.0m3 of waste. According to the notification in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« the total consented amount of waste is 22,000.0m3. According to the shipment information in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« a total of 21,990.0m3 has already been announced or confirmed in receipt previously. As a result, the movement announcement exceeds the total consented amount of waste. | .html / .xml |
violate_R849a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R849 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains the planned date of waste treatment completion »2025-12-17«. The message also contains the waste receipt date »2024-01-17«. According to this data, the treatment is completed 700 days after the waste receipt. This warning triggers for a waste treatment completion that is more than 366 days after the waste receipt date. | .html / .xml |
violate_R852a_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R852 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the waste receiver party with ID »DE140462045« (»VAT.EU«). This matches the consignee party from the notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT«, but does NOT match the waste treatment party. This version of the WasteX specification does NOT support Annex IB Block 17 WSR confirmations by consignees, but rather only supports Annex IB Block 18 confirmations by waste treatment parties. | .html / .xml |
violate_R899a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R899 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the waste treatment party with ID »IT02244220212« (»VAT.EU«). This does not match the message creation party with ID »DE140462045« (»VAT.EU«). | .html / .xml |
violate_R902a_E_ConfirmationOfWasteTreatment.xml | R902 | ERROR | The confirmation of waste treatment message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks the treatment site post code (SitePostalAreaID element). | .html / .xml |
violate_R938a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R938 | ERROR | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« CONTAINS XML attribute »xsi:type« (»type« attribute of namespace »http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance«). The data format does not support »xsi:type« attributes. | .html / .xml |
violate_R952a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R952 | WARNING | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks the quantification type (QuantificationTypeID element) in the mass information. This means that it lacks the information whether the value is measured, calculated or estimated. | .html / .xml |
violate_R952b_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R952 | WARNING | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« lacks the quantification type (QuantificationTypeID element) in the volume information. This means that it lacks the information whether the value is measured, calculated or estimated. | .html / .xml |
violate_R952c_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R952 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks the quantification type (QuantificationTypeID element) in the mass information. This means that it lacks the information whether the value is measured, calculated or estimated. | .html / .xml |
violate_R952d_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R952 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« lacks the quantification type (QuantificationTypeID element) in the volume information. This means that it lacks the information whether the value is measured, calculated or estimated. | .html / .xml |
violate_R959a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R959 | ERROR | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« contains the exit point name »Aach im Allgäu« for the last part of the route in country DE (ID »276«). The last part of the route must not contain an exit point name. | .html / .xml |
violate_R967a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R967 | ERROR | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the carrier with ID »DE811617242« (»VAT.EU«). This does not match the message creation party with ID »IT00623920212« (»VAT.EU«). | .html / .xml |
violate_R971a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R971 | WARNING | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« refers to the combination of transport mode »R« and carrier party with ID »IT00623920212« (»VAT.EU«). The notification/consent entry for »IT 347203« in the database at »EDM.GV.AT« does NOT contain this combination of transport mode and carrier party. The notification/consent contains the following transport modes for the party: S, W | .html / .xml |
violate_R979a_C_CarrierConfirmation.xml | R979 | WARNING | The carrier confirmation message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains transfer date »2024-01-17«. For the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«, the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains movement announcement information with shipment date »2023-03-23«. According to this data, the transfer date is 300 days after the shipment start date. This warning triggers for a transfer date that is 200 days or more after the shipment start date. | .html / .xml |
violate_R979b_D_ConfirmationOfWasteReceipt.xml | R979 | WARNING | The confirmation of waste receipt message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3« contains waste receipt date »2024-01-17«. For the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »3«, the database at »EDM.GV.AT« contains movement announcement information with shipment date »2023-03-23«. According to this data, the waste receipt date is 300 days after the shipment start date. This warning triggers for a waste receipt date that is 200 days or more after the shipment start date. | .html / .xml |
violate_R987a_A_MovementAnnouncement.xml | R987 | INFO | The movement announcement message for the combination of notification number »IT 347203« and serial number »4« refers to 50.0t of waste. A waste mass greater or equal to 35t is considered unusually high for a single shipment of waste with transport on road. | .html / .xml |
allow list
A mechanism which explicitly allows some identified entities to access a particular privilege that is denied by default
amber shipment of waste
A ⭧ shipment of waste which, according to the [WSR], requires prior written notification and consent
See also ⭧ green shipment of waste, BP_AMBER_CONSENT and BP_AMBER_INFO
asynchronous web service operation
A web service operation designed so that a client has to wait for results, and distinguishing (a) initiating processing and (b) delivery of ultimate results; See also ⭧ synchronous web service operation
business process
A set of activities a party (EO or CA) can execute to achieve a desired result in pursuit of a specified objective; Source: adapted from ISO 15704:2019(en)
A party that physically transports goods from one place to another; Source: GS1 XML glossary; See also: ⭧ economic operator
competent authority (CA)
Authority/authorities designated by a country to be responsible for receiving ⭧ waste shipment ⭧ notifications and any information related to it, and for responding to such a notification; Source: [BC] and [WSR]
The EO under the jurisdiction of the country of destination to whom waste is shipped for ⭧ recovery or ⭧ disposal; Source: adapted from [WSR]
consignment information
A paper document which, pursuant to Article 18 and Annex VII [WSR], accompanies each individual ⭧ green shipment of waste, and on which all undertakings involved add certain information. EOs provide the consignment information (or copies thereof) to CAs at certain occasions
See also ⭧ movement document, ⭧ notification, BP_AMBER_INFO
Collection of machine-readable information organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated; Source: ISO 5127:2017(en) Information and documentation – Foundation and vocabulary
data format
Formal definition providing a precise specification of the structure and representation of data, allowing for accurate interpretation and manipulation by software systems and human users; Source: Adapted from ISO/TS 27790:2009(en)
See also: ⭧ message format
disposal of waste
A waste treatment operation which is not ⭧ recovery even where the operation has as a secondary consequence the reclamation of substances or energy; Examples: landfilling, incineration; Source: [WFD]
See also: ⭧ treatment of waste, ⭧ recovery
economic operator (EO)
Legal or natural person active on the market, i.e., offering the execution of work, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market; Source: EU Directive 2014/24 on public procurement
Note: Covers all parties involved in waste shipments except CAs ; for example ⭧ notifier, ⭧ carrier and ⭧ consignee
EDI node
A sending and/or receiving point in ⭧ electronic data interchange (EDI)
Note 1: An EDI node is associated with:
Note 2: The software product/service with which an EDI node is associated can be the same for different EDI nodes
Fictitious example: Waste management software AlphaWaste comes in two variants:
AlphaWaste customer A may use the cloud variant, and customer B may use the on-premises variant. EDI can take place between these two AlphaWaste EDI nodes
electronic data interchange (EDI)
Structured way of transmitting data held electronically from ⭧ database to ⭧ database, usually using telecommunications networks; Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2017(en) Systems and software engineering – Vocabulary; See also: ⭧ message, ⭧ EDI node
[BC] and [WSR] make frequent use of the term facility, in partcular waste recovery facility and waste disposal facility. Note that for reasons of harmonization and unambiguity this specification uses the terms waste treatment party and waste treatment site instead; See also: ⭧ treatment, ⭧ site, ⭧ economic operator
formal validation
Combination of the following:
Example of a formal validation rule: the mass value must be greater than or equal to 0.0. Example for an expression of this rule in a formal language: MassValue ge 0.0
green shipment of waste
A ⭧ shipment of waste which, according to the [WSR], does not require prior written notification and consent
See also ⭧ amber shipment of waste, BP_AMBER_CONSENT and BP_AMBER_INFO
interim treatment of waste
An operation such as accumulation, temporary storage or repackaging applied prior to submission to a subsequent ⭧ treatment of waste; Source: adapted from [WSR]
Collection of information sent through an information channel as a single logical entity; Source: adapted from ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-7:2011(en) and ISO/TS 18234-6:2006(en)
See also: ⭧ electronic data interchange
message format
⭧ data format for ⭧ messages
movement document
A paper document which, pursuant to Article 16 [WSR], accompanies each individual ⭧ amber shipment of waste, and on which all undertakings involved add certain information. EOs provide the movement document (or copies thereof) to CAs at certain occasions
Note: For this specification, the individual contributions - in particular MA, CaC, CoWR and CoWT - play a greater role than the compilation of collected information that is the movement document. As a result, the specification uses the terms MA, CaC, CoWR and CoWT many times, but avoids the use of the term movement document
See also ⭧ consignment information, ⭧ notification, BP_AMBER_CONSENT
Prior written notification by EOs to CAs about intended ⭧ amber shipments of waste, asking for consent, pursuant to Article 4 [WSR]
See also ⭧ movement document, ⭧ consignment information, BP_AMBER_CONSENT
A client-server interaction pattern whereby a client periodically sends a request to a server in order to get to know whether or not there is something new and relevant to the client
production of waste
Activities that produce waste (original waste production) and/or carrying out pre-processing, mixing or other operations resulting in a change in the nature or composition of waste (new waste production); Source: Adapted from [WFD]
recovery of waste
An operation the principal result of which is waste serving a useful purpose by replacing other materials which would otherwise have been used to fulfil a particular function, or waste being prepared to fulfil that function, in the plant or in the wider economy; Source: [WFD]
See also: ⭧ treatment of waste, ⭧ disposal
shipment of waste
Transport of waste destined for ⭧ recovery or ⭧ disposal in another country; Source: [WSR]
See also ⭧ amber shipment of waste and ⭧ green shipment of waste
signal message
A ⭧ message with a supporting role in establishing ⭧ message exchange patterns, non-repudiation and reliability; Source: AS4
See also: ⭧ user message, ⭧ electronic data interchange
Note: Important contents of WasteX signal messages:
A location of carrying out waste ⭧ treatment operations or of waste ⭧ production
synchronous web service operation
A web service operation designed to deliver results to the client immediately, without distinguishing (a) initiating processing and (b) delivery of ultimate results; See also ⭧ asynchronous web service operation
treatment of waste
⭧ Recovery or ⭧ disposal operations, including preparation prior to recovery or disposal; Source: [WFD]
A (natural) person who interacts with a system, product or service; Source: ISO 26800:2011 Ergonomics
user message
A ⭧ message that contains business payload to be exchanged between two ⭧ EDI nodes; Source: adapted from AS4
See also: ⭧ signal message
Note: For WasteX the business payload is waste shipment related information, such as the waste mass
waste shipment
See ⭧ shipment of waste
web service
A service designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network; Source: ISO/IEC 19763-7:2015(en)
XSLT processor
A software (module/library/service) capable of applying [XSLT] transformations to [XML] instances. An XSLT processor takes one or more [XML] instances plus one or more [XSLT] stylesheets (transformations) as input and processes them to generate an output
Examples: [RaptorXML], [Saxon]
application programming interface
⭧ business processes and data interchanges with a participaton of both ⭧ EOs and ⭧ CAs
⭧ business processes and data interchanges with a participation of ⭧ EOs only, i.e., without participation of ⭧ CAs
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (Bundesamt für Umwelt), the main CA for waste shipments in Switzerland, https://www.bafu.admin.ch/
Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, the CA for waste shipments in Austria, https://www.bmk.gv.at/en.html
The business process characterized by EOs' notification of intended amber shipments of waste to CAs with the intended result of CAs consenting to these shipments
Note 1: The word amber is from the domain terminology and refers to shipments that require prior written notification and consent
Note 2: In the domain also referred to as the notification process
The business process of EOs sharing information with CAs and other EOs on individual amber shipments of waste, i.e., shipments that require prior written notification and consent
Note 1: Includes announcing the shipment of waste, confirming the receipt of waste, and confirming the completion of treatment of shipped waste
Note 2: The word amber is from the domain terminology and refers to shipments that require prior written notification and consent
Note 3: In the domain also referred to as the movement document process
See also MA, CaC, CoWR and CoWT
The business process of EOs preparing information on an individual green shipment of waste, i.e., a shipment of waste which does not require prior notification and consent, and of providing/presenting this prepared information to CAs upon request
Note 1: The word green is from the domain terminology and refers to shipments that do not require prior written notification and consent
Note 2: In the domain also referred to as the consignment information process
⭧ competent authority (for shipments of waste, if not otherwise specified)
Note: In a few sections in this specification, CA stands for Canada. This is clear from the context
carrier’s confirmation of taking charge of a shipment of waste, in accordance with Article 16 of the [WSR], as well as Annex IB block 8 and Annex IC paragraphs 6 and 32; see also MA, CoWR, CoWT and BP_AMBER_INFO
confirmation of waste receipt; one of the per-shipment B2A information exchanges mandated by [BC] and [WSR]; see also MA, CaC, CoWT and BP_AMBER_INFO
confirmation of the completion of the treatment of shipped waste; one of the per-shipment B2A information exchanges mandated by [BC] and [WSR]; see also MA, CaC, CoWR and BP_AMBER_INFO
European Commission, https://ec.europa.eu/
European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment, https://ec.europa.eu/info/departments/environment_en
⭧ electronic data interchange
⭧ economic operator
European Union
Global Location Number, an identification scheme by GS1
A neutral, global collaboration platform that brings industry leaders, government, regulators, academia, and associations together to develop standards-based solutions to address the challenges of data exchange, https://www.gs1.org/
graphical user interface
International Electrotechnical Commission, an international standards organization that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies, https://www.iec.ch/
Internet Engineering Task Force, a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet, which develops and promotes voluntary Internet standards, https://www.ietf.org/
International Organization for Standardization, an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations, https://www.iso.org/
movement announcement, one of the per-shipment B2A information exchanges mandated by [BC] and [WSR]; see also CaC, CoWR, CoWT and BP_AMBER_INFO
Member state of the European Union
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, a non-profit international standards body offering projects – including open source projects – a path to standardization and de jure approval for reference in international policy and procurement, https://www.oasis-open.org/
Relational Database Management System
Request For Comments, publication by the IETF or associated bodies. Some RFCs evolve into Internet Standards
[Schematron] Validation Report Language, a data format for expressing the results of [Schematron] validation
United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business, an organization open to experts nominated by UN Member States and UN recognized organisations, and working on harmonizing, standardizing and automating the exchange of information, https://unece.org/trade/uncefact
World Wide Web Consortium, an international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the web, https://www.w3.org/
⭧ web service
2021 Circular Economy amendment to the Austrian Federal Act on sustainable waste management (Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz). Contains an obligation for EOs to exchange waste shipment data as structured electronic data with the Austrian CA
The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings, RFC 4648, IETF Internet Official Protocol Standards
Basel Electronic Approaches Report
UNEP/CHW/OEWG.12/6, Electronic approaches to the notification and movement documents, report by the Basel Secretariat in 2020
Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal
Correspondents’ Guidelines No 11, Specification of a data model for the electronic data interchange under the [WSR], guideline agreed on by the waste shipment correspondents of EU Member States in 2019
“Electronic Data Management”: An interconnected system of IT applications and databases supporting environment-related
business processes, such as reporting under reporting obligations. Part of the Austrian
e-Government services offered under https://www.usp.gv.at/en/index.html.
Note: The Austrian CA for shipments of waste uses EDM for managing waste shipment
processes and data
See also [VeVA-Online]
EU Regulation 2020/1056 on electronic freight transport information
Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication, RFC 2104, IETF Internet Standard
Hypertext Markup Language, Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) and W3C Recommendation
Hypertext Transfer Protocol, RFC 723x, IETF Internet Standard
The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme, RFC 7617, IETF Internet Standard
Integrated Management System for Official Controls
This refers to:
See also [TRACES.NT] and https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/tracesnt
A lightweight data-interchange format; ECMA standard
See also: [XML]
Information technology — 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1; ISO/IEC 8859-1 standard
See also: [UTF-8]
An [XML] and [JSON] validation and processing software by Altova. Its features include an [XSD] validator and an [XSLT] processor
An open source [XSLT] and [XQuery] processor developed by Saxonica Limited
Schematron 2016
Information technology, Schema Definition Languages (DSDL), Part 3: Rule-based validation, ISO/IEC 19757-3 standard
See also [XSLT]
SchXslt 1.7.1
A [Schematron] processor implemented entirely in [XSLT]. It transforms a [Schematron] schema document into an [XSLT] stylesheet that you apply to the document(s) to be validated
US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA and SHA-based [HMAC] and HKDF), RFC 6234 IETF Internet Standard
SOAP 1.2
Lightweight protocol intended for exchanging structured information in a decentralized, distributed environment, W3C Recommendation
API testing tool for validating REST and SOAP-based web services, by SmartBear Software, https://smartbear.com/
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol, RFC 5246 and RFC 8446, IETF Internet Standard
TRAde Control and Expert System, a web-based veterinarian certification tool used
by the European Union for controlling the import and export of live animals and animal
See also [IMSOC]
Universal character encoding designed to support the worldwide interchange, processing, and display of the written texts of the diverse languages of the world, The Unicode Consortium
Coordinated Universal Time, Standard-frequency and time-signal emissions, Recommendation ITU-R TF.460-6, International Telecommunication Union
Variable-width Unicode encoding form that preserves ASCII transparency by making use of 8-bit code units, The Unicode Consortium
Universally Unique ID, RFC 4122 IETF Internet Standard
e-Government solution used by the Swiss CAs for managing waste shipment processes and data; See also [EDM]
EU Waste Framework Directive 2008/98
WSDL 2.0
Web Services Description Language, an [XML] language for describing web services, W3C Recommendation
EU Waste Shipment Regulation 2006/1013
EU Waste Shipment Regulation, EC proposal Nov 2021
XML 1.0
Extensible Markup Language, W3C Recommendation
XPath 2.0
[XML] Path Language, W3C Recommendation
XQuery 2.0
[XML] Query Language, W3C Recommendation
XSD 1.0
[XML] Schema Definition Language, W3C Recommendation
XSLT 2.0
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations, W3C Recommendation
Version | Date | Description / Changes |
1.10 | Changes:
| |
1.09 | 2023-09-21 | Changes:
1.08 | 2023‑04‑27 | Changes:
1.07 | 2023‑02‑15 | Changes:
1.06 | 2023‑ 02‑14 | Changes:
1.05 | 2023‑01‑23 | Changes:
1.04 | 2023‑01‑20 | Changes:
1.03 | 2022‑12‑21 | Changes:
1.02 | 2022‑09‑21 | Changes:
1.01 | 2022‑03‑29 | Changes:
1.00 | 2022‑02‑24 | Initial release |